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Everything posted by (BB)

  1. Big Tiny Little Tiny Tim Little Richard
  2. László Moholy-Nagy Christian Schad Man Ray
  3. Eagle Eye Cherry Neneh Cherry Don Cherry
  4. Wally Gator Yogi Bear Touché Turtle
  5. Johann Gottlieb Goldberg Johann Sebastian Bach Glenn Gould
  6. I have been listening to the Eno/Bowie stuff for so long, I'm not sure I can be objective on the matter. Actually I came to Eno through Bowie and Talking Heads. I had always heard the name, but it wasn't until I realized that he was involved in my favorites from these bands that I started picking up his stuff. I don't really listen to the Talking Heads that much anymore, although the pre-Let's Dance Bowie still gets an occasional spin. Somehow I missed the Eno & Cale stuff, although that has already been rectified.
  7. Saw this earlier today. One of my favorites. For whatever reason I have always preferred his flat work to his sculpture, put have enjoyed and been challenged by it all. RIP.
  8. Bowie's Low is one of my all time favorite lp's. It has been getting a spin at least a couple of times a year for over 20 years now (hell I'm getting old fast). Also a huge fan of Heroes and Lodger. I must have worn out 3-4 cassette tapes of Heroes in highschool and college. Before and After Science is one of my favorite Eno sides, followed by Another Green World and Here Come the Warm Jets depending on my mood. The Ambient stuff never really did it for me. Sometimes I think his ideas are more interesting than the music. As a matter of fact I was spinning Eno/Moebus/Roedelius ~ After The Fire, this weekend.
  9. Uncle Bill Buffy Jody
  10. Tricky Dick Slick Willy Dubya
  11. You just put your lips together and blow, or is that whistling?
  12. Pere Ubu King Ubu Ubu the dog (as in "sit Ubu sit" from the credits of some 80's TV show)
  13. Noah Howard Howard Roberts Robert Johnson
  14. The Fisherman's Wife Hurricane Sue Hobo Ho
  15. And a peanut is not "technically" not a nut either but a legume or a pod, but I'm calling them nuts. A pea-legume and jelly sandwich just sounds wrong.
  16. Peanut Butter and Honey toast for breakfast 90% of the time Peanut Butter and Jelly for lunch 80% of the time Salted roasted peanuts in the shell favorite snack I'm also more than happy with some toasted almonds and/or cashews as well. Last summer I made a peanut butter ice cream that was I tried to make a burnt almond sorbet that is suppose to be fantastic, although my first try at it was very very horrible in a not good kind of way. Maybe this summer I'll try it again. As far as this board is concerned my favorite nut? It's a toss up between Chewy and Clem ,
  17. Chris Conner Kris Kringle Crispin's Crispin
  18. Frederick The Mouse The Mouse That Roared Mighty Mouse
  19. Wee Willie Winkie Rip Van Winkle Pappy Van Winkle
  20. NHOP Oscar Peterson Don Patterson
  21. Note that the url is "www.nojazzfest.com" It says it all right there.
  22. How to handle records training started very early in our house. Saturday mornings it's usually just me and the kid, sometimes we will stop by my favorite vinyl source. My daughter know where the kids lp's are and can remove it from the sleeve to check for scratches. Once she finds a clean one that she is interested in I will set her up at the listening station. She may grow up to be a homicidal mass murder, but at least she will know how to handle a record.
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