Very Phuckin Ixspensive?
True, but I have a new one since a week, and I am starting to think that is the best buy I did in the audio market, togheter with a decent dedicated record cleaning fluid.
I was actually thinking more of their TT's
I'm not sure what recording of Flying Home you have been listening to but the recording on this cd
amazon link
is one of my favorites. Everyone is swinging like mad, towards the end Lionel (I assume) is gruntin' up a storm. It is hard to listen to this and not end up smiling. Pure joy!
Just got this on good old fashion vinyl.
I can't stop listening, what a great album, the sound he gets from saxophone is one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard.
I was checking this out on the listening station at my local dealer and the organ playing didn't do much for me so I decided against it. Did I make a mistake?
Not a great fan of Mel Rhyne either but that album is pretty good with Blue Mitchell and Griffin in fine spirits!
Thanks, Mr. Griffin is what made me want to check it out. The want list is long and the dollars are limited so some have to get left in the bins.
I was checking this out on the listening station at my local dealer and the organ playing didn't do much for me so I decided against it. Did I make a mistake?
Our dog has always had sensitive stomach. A scrub brush and dishwashing compound in hot water is good for cleaning carpet. Whenever we switched foods we would start with a 75/25 mix of old/new food and then slowly change it till it was all the new stuff. This seems to help with the transition.
I first read Slaughter-House Five when I was in my early teens. It was one of the very first books I read that blew wide open my then very naive idea of what a story/book could be. As I learned more about some of the specifics in history it deals with I got more and more from it with subsequent readings. Maybe it is time to re-visit some of those books again.