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Everything posted by (BB)

  1. No experience with Camino. I have been happy running Firefox on OS X 10.4.8. The only issues I have here are the previously mentioned issues when using google to search. What advantages is Camino suppose to have over Firefox?
  2. Damn, you eat well. Are you the cook, or a blessed recipient?
  3. What, you don't have this bad boy?
  4. Red Beans-n-Rice with this great smoked sausage and some lightly steamed asparagus on the side. Mmmm Mmmm good.
  5. Strawberry Switchblade Bobby Short Cake
  6. Marky Mark Money Mark Biz Markie
  7. ... and I have no idea what connects those last three
  8. Vinnie Barbarino Freddie "Boom Boom" Washington Arnold Horshack
  9. Good for you. But here is the problem. Next you will see a better pair of speakers / cd player / amp for a little bit more money or decide you want to hear how "really good" speaker cables might sound. You can say hello to better sounding music and goodbye to all your hard earned money. It is like a drug dealer giving you your first try for free, from here on out it is all downhill.
  10. Hey wait.... are you really Bill Murray?
  11. Other than the Simosko, are there any other books on Mr. Dolphy's life that people can recomend?
  12. Miffy Muffy Maffy
  13. Johnny Ramone Johnny Rotten John Doe
  14. The Sweat Hogs Hargus "Pig" Robbins Pete Ham
  15. There are lots of great bookshelf speakers that I would guess you could find for about the same price you paid for the amp. Brands like Polk-Audio DCM B&W Infinity and many more... put out speakers that range in quality from good to great. Used B&W DM110's regularly sell for around $100 US. I also have a pair of DCM CX-17's that put out a very nice sound. And there are always headphones.
  16. I'm a little confused on the phono setting question. If you don't already have a TT hooked up to it how are you getting sound from it? To answer the phono pre-amp question on a very basic level, the signal sent to the amp by the stylus is a very weak signal compared with those sent from the tuner, cd, etc... and needs to be pre-amplified before going to the main amp. If your amp has a phono setting, than it contains a pre-amp of some sort. If you are hooking up another device into the pre-amp, that may explain the loud distorted noise. I am only guessing here as I have never done that. Now the real question is are you motivated to start finding an upgrade for your speakers? The upgrade game can be very nice for the ears, but hard on the bank account.
  17. A really big wagon?
  18. I'm with you on the high-energy shows being to much stimulation. Kipper is one we have picked up at the library, it is mellow, but not too slow. And since it is British, it has the added bonus of the kid not seeing/wanting all the toys and crap.
  19. Arthur D.W Brain
  20. Bruce Lee Lee Marvin Marvin Gaye
  21. Martin Short Shorty Rodgers Roger Martin
  22. I too am not familiar with this specific amp, but I have played around with a few Japanese amps from the 70's 80's and now 90's as I just picked up an ONYKO a-809. I am a big fan of the Sony PSX-5/6/7's turntables from the late 70's early 80's. I am sure there are better pieces of equipment out there, but when you think about how much more you would have to pay to move up to that next level it is hard to say no. edit to add - I would consider it a big plus if you know the previous owner and they claim it to be in good working order and most importantly it has not been stored in a damp environment for any period of time. Bill
  23. Blue Magenta Slippery Soap
  24. Has anyone here noticed that using headphones aggravates their tinnitus, even when not loud? Allergies/sinus infection have my left ear at a constant ring. It sounds like when you rub your finger on a crystal glass, cept' it don't stop. It gets better and worse, but it does seem worse after using the head phones.
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