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  1. Thanks, The used bookstore in town has some old price guides, guess I should pick one up.
  2. I having a tough time figuring when this was copy of Charles Mingus - Wonderland (UAJS 15005) was released. I know it was a "re-issue" of UAS 5063 ("Jazz Portraits") Recorded Jan 16th, 1959, Nonagon Art Gallery, NYC Booker Evan, John Handy, Richard Wyands, Charles Mingus, Danny Richmond Side 1: Nostalgia In Times Square, I Can't Get Started Side 2: No Private Income Blues, Alice's Wonderland Notes on back by Nat Hentoff United Artists Records 729 Seventh Ave., New York 19, NY Plastylite "ear" in dead wax Most discographies refer to UAJS 15005 as "Mingus in Wonderland" and everything here says Charles Mingus - Wonderland, no "in". Separate but related question, when did plastylite start/stop using the "ear" symbol? Any information or additional sources would be appreciated.
  3. I actually just discovered a bunch of music I missed when I started to listen to more jazz than "indie/alternative". Tortoise, especially their first self titled. Sea and Cake Sam Prekop On the whole most of the stuff I've found from the 90's chicago prog-rock scene is great. Including Chicago Underground Duo who are more jazz than anything else imho
  4. I found some Buddy Rich vocal tracks on Everest Records FS-260. A cheap way to get a sample if you can track one down. The jacket notes say "His voice is moody, metalic, masculine, and magnetic, with no big crescendoes needed to get the message home." Not really my thing, so I won't try and describe it any further.
  5. I the old paperback version. It is yours for the asking. I haven't picked it up in 10years+. This was written pre-web and when network TV was KING. If I remember it has some theory that may still be interesting. Always glad to give a book a good home. Obviously I'm new here and figure you can figure out how to reach me. Bill
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