I love music, but all my attempts at learning instruments were very short dead end streets. I just want to expose her to as much as possible, if she digs it that's cool, if not, that's cool to.
My daughter walks around the house singing all day. She makes up songs and plays along on her toy accordion. Luckily for her she takes after her mother and can carry a tune. It seems like lots of kids start on the piano, but if you ask what instrument she wants to study she will say, "fiddle."?
So, here are my questions.
Do people feel there are pros and cons to beginning formal music lessons at the age of 5?
Is violin/fiddle a good place to start? To me it seems like a fairly technical instrument and could be pretty frustrating to learn with out already knowing some basics.
If she likes singing should we get her involved in a choir rather than an instrument?
What questions should I ask a teacher/school before signing her up?
Any information or experiences would be appreciated.