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Everything posted by (BB)

  1. That's a good question, let us know.
  2. Bill Haley and the Comets Donner Family Rudolph Juliani
  3. Gene Gene the Dancing Machine Jay Jay Johnson Tom Tom Club
  4. Jim Crow Brown Board of Education
  5. Nemo (the fish) Phish Catfish Hunter
  6. Yes, it is a cover from the United Artists Jazz stereo issue. Photographer • Designer - Frank Gauna
  7. Wonderland gets my vote, and the cover is one of my all time favorites. Even his disembodied head looks like it could kick your ass.
  8. Oscar the Grouch Oscar de la Renta Oscar Madison
  9. Quiet Nights was in my father's small collection, first one I bought on my own was either Birth of the Cool or Miles Ahead. Birth of the Cool still gets played on a fairly regular basis, I haven't listened to Miles Ahead or any of the Miles/Gil stuff for a while and not really making any plans to. Bill
  10. Nat Cole Cole Porter Porter Wagoner
  11. Arnold Babe Old Major
  12. A lot of really stoned people still more really stoned people The Greatful Dead
  13. Woody (Toy Story) Woody (Cheers) Woody, Allen
  14. The Elders of Zion Mel Gibson Mad Max
  15. Le Tigre Tony the Tiger Merle Alvey's Detroit Tigers
  16. The Huguenots The Haves The Have-nots
  17. Sneezy Sleepy Happy
  18. Hank Williams III Hank Mobley Mr. Hankey
  19. Barbarella Babar Bar-Kays
  20. Ace Ventura Jesse Ventura Charlie Ventura
  21. Paul Stanley Gene Simmons Ace Frehley
  22. Cat Anderson Kitty Wells Pussy Galore
  23. In my former job I did a lot of hiring, everything from suit & tie sales people to grunt labor. I would find out from other teachers what people normally wear. Being well dressed indicates to most people that you take your work serious, although overdressing can put people off. I would assume that a suite and tie would be overkill for a teaching gig. If for some reason you need to buy a suit, I would agree with the folks above, do not buy a cheap suit. You may or may not be able to tell the difference, but someone who wears suits on a regular basis can. Here on the west coast we have the Nordstrom Rack, which has the mark-downs and returned items at huge discounts. It is a great place to find anything from a suit or sport coat, to dress pants and some nice shoes. It looks like you are on the other coast so I don't know. I always hated the men's warehouse because they were always trying to sell me something I didn't want. General unsolicited advise on job interview. You are there to present yourself so be yourself, anyone who has done interviewing for any length of time can spot insincerity a mile away.
  24. Horace Silver Silver Surfer You Silver Tounged Devil You
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