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Everything posted by WD45

  1. Pee Wee Russell. Get something with Big Tea on vocals and everyone will have a good time. I love the Edmond Hall disc that BN put out a few years ago, too. Almost all of the Giuffre Atlantic titles are available from Collectibles. Western Suite is awesome.
  2. I can't believe they have waited this long to RVG more Dex titles. I would like to hear A Swingin' Affair remastered.
  3. Have you heard Maynard James Keenan's side project A Perfect Circle? At the moment their only release has been Mer de Noms. Of course. In fact the Perfect Circle band has been doing some switcheroos and should have an album out this year! w00t! Trent Reznor and Maynard have a side project going too, called Tapeworm. That might also be out this year. *Fans may be interested to know Mer de Noms translates to Sea of Names. I saw A Perfect Circle on the last date of their only tour. It was awesome. The drummer had chops to burn, and he was taking risks with these fills and rolls that were working. They were a tight unit after being on tour, and you could tell they were happy to be done touring, as the performance was joyous. My favorite Tool album would have to be Undertow. The production on that record is amazing. The bottom end on that seems bottomless it was so deep. I love how many of the tempos were slow but heavy as hell. And Maynard's voice is top-notch. I definitely missed that punishing production style missing on the later records. It might have something to do with them hiring a bass player who played only 4-string rahter than 5-string bass.
  4. One cut we talked about at the BNBB was Mary Lou Williams' take on "It Ain't Neccessarily So." When I throw that comp on, I HAVE to listen to it at least a few times. It is sublime. "Let the Music Take your MInd" from Grant Green's Alive. Idris is sooo funky on that I can't stand it. Late period Grant Green at its best. "Golden Rain" from Bobo Stenson's Serenity. Again, sublime. "Half and Half" from Jimmy Garrison/Elvin Jones' Illumination. Charles Davis is absolutely on fire. "Western Suite" from the Jimmy Giuffre album of the same name. Inventive, melodic, and spontaneous. for starters...
  5. i always loved their mp3 samples. You could click on the top link, and play all of the samples from that album. They will be missed!
  6. Radiohead - I listened to Kid A everyday for 6 months. Really. Bjork - Love that voice, and the production is always at the forefront. She knows how to pick 'em. Tortoise - I saw the drummer do his side project thing the other night under the moniker "a Grape Dope." Mouse on Mars - General freakiness all around with these guys.
  7. Me and the wife are still hashing it over. We have some friends in the area and we may be staying down there, hopefully to hit the sunday show.
  8. The one and only Groundskeeper Willie. I loved AfricaBrass's cat animation ones. Make me laugh out loud.
  9. Right on, another man from the Twin Cities. Being originally from Iowa, I have been to the fest before. I saw Dr. Lonnie Smith [with Ronnie Cuber], Christian McBride, and John Scofield before the whole thing was shut down by a nice big ole midwestern kill-em-all thunderstorm. We should have known, as it was about 95 degrees that afternoon. That is a killer line-up this year. I might have to make it down and stay at the in-laws [about an hour away from Iowa City.] There is a killer record store right on the street where it is always held.
  10. I am going with Buck Clayton. I would have put Wild Bill Davidson, had he been up there. Love that guy.
  11. Where is Alive? Love that sucker.
  12. Don't forget New Jazz...
  13. That sounds like a tune...We Talked About Jim Sangrey
  14. I like to get in the groove and ride.
  15. I think Art Blakey would have been a good candidate to lead a BN date, instead of jsut being a sideman. Really, though--I don't think you will find anyone that would counter yourCharles Tolliver suggestion, for all the reasons you listed, but foremost composition. I think he would have been on top of the list for me. The fact that his compositional skill were so strong make the selection of another candidate difficult. Since they did not lead their own dates [on BN at least] we do not know if their writing chops were strong or not. After that, I keep thinking of the Sun Ra sidemen who appeear on BN dates: James Spaulding, John Gilmore, and Julian Priester. I think a septet with Tolliver, these three guys, and Joe Chambers, Herbie Lewis, and McCoy in the engine room. That would have been super. The only way to top it would be to make it an octet; add Charles Davis on bari. Speaking of Charles Davis, I think he might have benefitted from more sideman work on the BN label. His solid playing makes "Illumination" by the Jimmy Garrison/Elvin Jones Sextet such a draw for me.
  16. The Wayfaring Strangers "Shifting Sands of Time" This is Matt Glaser's project featuring Andy Statman, Tony Tricshka, Bruce Barth, Laszlo Gardony, Ralph Stanley, Lucy Kaplansky, and others. I was WAY pleasantly surprised by this.
  17. I am having a bugger of a time finding any of the Don Pullen/George Adams discs. Like a chump, I passed up one of the albums on LP for $3.98. Damn.
  18. Didn't Blue Note do that with the first group of Conns with OBIs? You could get a watch, or something, if I recall.
  19. They do one of my favorite tunes on there, "Lazy Afternoon." It is one of those performances where the performers are absolutely unmistakable. You know it is Elvin back there, with his churning, quiet fire, Hutcherson saying all the right things, and Larry Young playing like no one else at the time. All this taken at what has to be the perfect tempo for the tune. The only other version that comes close for me is the one on Pete LaRoca's Basra with Joe Henderson.
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