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Everything posted by WD45

  1. Absolutely. I love Mel Torme, his Bethlehem stuff in particular. And, ftr, just as you said you're tough on piano trios, I really don't like male jazz singers. Same here. Torme on Bethlehem is about as good as that genre gets. Agreed. California Suite is a delight, and the rest of the Bethlehem material is solid, especially the stuff with Marty Paich. Lulu's Back in Town!
  2. I'm looking forward to getting a few of these on vinyl. I'd love to see their whole East Coast Jazz series make it to LP. And the Bass by Pettiford/Burke set. And the rest of the Torme sides. And a few more...
  3. Thanks all! (I still pop in from time-to-time, but more lurking now.)
  4. U.S. agricultural equipment from 1940-1965. IT'S NOT TERRIBLY USEFUL KNOWLEDGE.
  5. Coltrane's Ascension features Jimmy Garrison and Art Davis. Lovely duo part between them on side two. Just listened to this last night again, and there it was.
  6. That gospel comp There is No Sweeter Sound is killer. Snap it up, folks!
  7. Buddy Guy was interviewed on the Tavis Smiley Show recently. He talked about how he listens to mostly gospel and jazz, along with some country and western, but very little blues . For him, it is about learning how to incorporate the unique bits from others' playing into his (stealing licks, as he put it.) He mentioned being happy when his sets used to get over in time for him to go see Gene Ammons play.
  8. Top Six Favorite Records Released In 2012 1. Emptyset - "Medium" Recorded in an abandoned, unfinished 19th century British mansion. Huge, oppresive, and delightful. Brings together my love of history, recording, and abstraction. 2. Oneohtrix Point Never - "Rifts" Five LPs of mind-melting synthesizer experimentation. This cat would have been at home with the Germans making this type of music in 1972. Hypnotic, texturally lush, and possibly self-indulgent (in the best way, of course.) 3. Andy Stott - "Luxury Problems" Mr. Stott keeps making music that sounds quite unlike anything else before it. Imagine if someone produced a Sade record under the influence of Bauhaus architecture and codeine. Unsettling and inviting at the same time. Time stands still when you play it. 4. Death Grips - "The Money Store" Parts of this record still scare the hell out of me. It's so intense that I can only liken it to standing in front of a blast furnace. NSFW in a number of ways. Sonically and lyrically. These cats would have Lil' Wayne weeping in the corner. 5. CAN - "Lost Tapes" Where do I turn when I wish to hear a man chant the lyric "Are you waiting for the streetcar" for ten minutes? This amazing set of outtakes and non-album cuts from these German giants of weird rock, of course. 6. Josh Berman and His Gang - "There Now" Mr. Berman helped me with a question about a Gerry Mulligan record at the Jazz Record Mart in 2011. In 2012, he released this thoughtful and exciting record of jazz music. It's lighthearted at times, freely exploratory at others. Just what I needed, actually. I even made a YouTube playlist with a track from each record.
  9. It's nice that a shipping discount applies to multiple sets.
  10. WD45

    don ayler sings

    His singing of Love Cry was amazing, really showing the beauty of that melody on its own.
  11. I've always considered Coltrane's "Stellar Regions" very serene. Many Paul Bley things come to mind, too.
  12. This is such a killer boot.The groove they hit during the piece labeled "Bwongo" is insane.
  13. +1. Sooo great.
  14. They're both on musicme (streaming), the Bill English record as well. http://www.musicme.com/#/Dave-Burns/?q=dave+burns They are also on Rdio. Added to the list!
  15. IIRC, Rene Thomas had one of Charlie Christian's guitars. Or am I crazy? Seems like it was in the liner notes for his "Guitar Groove" LP.
  16. Agreed - it's easy enough to download a torrent of many artists' complete discographies in a couple of clicks. (Legality notwithstanding.)
  17. Toy instruments. Or any toys, for that matter.
  18. That was quite impressive! Lots of similar timbres there.
  19. I've never heard this material before. After hearing sound samples. I'm loading it up for a road trip this weekend.
  20. It's like going to the bathroom at a club! $10 a month to lose the commercials. I'd rather put that toward adding to my collection and not sink $120/year and walk away with nothing. And, if $10/month is the introductory rate, eventually it will rise up in cost just like an eMusic membership. They'll make it $25/month and start limiting the number of listening minutes. There will be extra charges for "lightning fast, guaranteed streams" and other bullshit. No thanks. I'll take my guaranteed commercial free iPod, loaded with tracks off MY compact discs and vinyl. Prices have come down on these services, even as stream bitrates (and therefore, sound quality) have gone up. Rhapsody used to charge $14.99/month, only for desktop use. Rdio charges $4.99 for the same. $9.99 for download access and streaming on a mobile device. The catalog keeps growing, too.
  21. This sums up my thoughts on this quite nicely. Technology is hastening the demise of the pay-once-for-the-object model. It's clearly a disruptive innovation. And one that will alter the very act of consuming music. (It already has.) The cat is out of the bag, so-to-speak.
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