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Ken Dryden

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About Ken Dryden

  • Birthday 10/03/1954

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    Ooltewah, TN

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  1. Gene Hackman didn’t succumb to stardom like so many actors who try to act like they deserve the world. He siunds like a down to rarth guy living quietly with his wife in retirement. I can’t imagine not contacting a parent for two months like Hackman’s daughter. I would love to talk once more to my parents.
  2. A class act, Boris Spassky had Fischer’s number prior to their 1972 match.
  3. Well, the technology to make the recording in a home studio is a lot cheaper these days and some independents are going the CDR route, though I reject paying $15 or more for a CDR. You would have to ask a musician or somebody in the record business about costs of making a CD, I have no idea.
  4. I think Allen Lowe could best address this, but unless you have a label sign you and advance the costs of making the recording, they either have to raise the money themselves or use apps like GoFundMe. The one time I made a gift to support a musician who was planning a recording resulted in a CD that was never made. I wasn't mad, because he threw a liner note assignment my way and interviewed the artist for me, making my work rather easy. I have been told more than once that "nobody's buying CDs" by artists, although I spend a few thousand dollars each year for ones that I don't get as promos.
  5. I have enjoyed the Microscopic Septet’s recordings and those by Joel Forrester and Philip Johnston.
  6. I have lost track of how many musicians whom I’ve interviewed who have quit making CDs because it is not worth the investment of time and money.
  7. The George Duvivier Oral History and Discography revealed an unissued duo date at Rudy Van Gelder's studio on February 25, 1995. Before Williams' death in the summer of 2004, I asked him about this session and he said that he didn't feel that his own playing was that good. A cassette of the session exists in the James Williams Archives of William Patterson University and I just sent them a copy of my circa November or December 1993 phone interview with James Williams. Unless I dig around and find the original reel tape, I may not be able to date it exactly. The session includes: Common Knowledge Old Time's Sake For My Nephews Basically Simple The Lovers' Celebration Time After Time Edward Progress Report Do Nothing Til You Hear from Me Folk Song 'Round Midnight Our Love Is Here to Stay Hopefully Rudy Van Gelder's archives include the original master tape.
  8. I recall that Barbara Dennerlein recorded a solo organ concert that she issued on CD.
  9. Amazon has it listed for preorder. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0DTS6JYHF/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  10. It sounds like Jaki Byard on piano, though a little less intense than we are used to hearing. i have been in touch with Jaki’s daughter and she sent me a dub of a cassette labeled 1948, a home recorded acetate that Jaki told me about it in my 1990 interview with me.
  11. Due out April 11 on Liberation Hall, recorded on location by none other than Boris Rose... Two images failed to load, so I tried different links, how do I get rid of the blank squares?
  12. It is published by the University Press of Mississippi and University publishers generally have higher prices on jazz books, but also tend to keep them in print longer.
  13. Con Chapman used ample resources from European archives in order to write this biography. This is not a US-centric biography, at least for the part of Don Byas' life and career in Europe. I don't really want to talk too much more about the book, buy it and learn about this brilliant jazz musician's life.
  14. just did a quick search of the text and I didn't read it this time like I did when I was indexing, for some reason I was thinking about the Amalia Rodrigues recording. Don Byas performed in both jazz and non-jazz settings while in Europe, though he would turn down jazz record dates if he thought they didn't pay what he merited. The recordings issued by Black Lion at the Club Montmartre were some of the first 1960s recordings that I heard by him and they tell me he should have been recorded much more. Pardon me for not remembering Luis Rovira, he was not a major name in the bio.
  15. Since this book is more focused on Don Byas' career as a jazz musician, there is less focus on his non-jazz activities. Each publisher has different standards and the author and index compiler adjust accordingly. Bernard Hilda is mentioned in the footnotes, Luis Rovita is mentioned several times on a single page. There is no mention of "Estrellas de Ritmo y Melodía" after searching the pdf of the draft sent to me.
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