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Everything posted by LarryCurleyMoe

  1. Wait I thought that MONEY JUNGLE was the greatest, er?.....
  2. R.I.P. Mr. Soloff. Thanks for all the great trumpet work! Fortunate to hear him live with Paquito in the '80's.
  3. R.I.P. Clark. You were one tough jazzman.
  4. Picked up the Caliman recently. I enjoy it, but am not blown away. He plays solid tenor on the set, but he's not really searching...I prefer his flute playing on the album which is deep and soulful. I just received "Gratitude" in the mail and feel it is a much stronger effort. Hadley Caliman was a great reedman. Also - there is an unidentified trumpet on the recording.
  5. WOW! Sad news indeed. I was honored to emcee his SPICKMAKAY recital here many years ago. He was a master of Carnaric Classical.
  6. "Teasing the Koran" - I just sent you a private message. -Mike
  7. R.I.P. Kenny. Seems like just yesterday that "Gnu High" was a new release.
  8. IMO he's one of the best. Just love the fire and passion! Waiting for "New Birth" to be at a price I can afford, or reissued again on cd.
  9. Loved Joe's sound and style on keys. Always grooving always funky, always made me feel great! Love the Crusaders! R.I.P. Joe Sample.
  10. RIP Gerald, you made a lot of great music in your time!
  11. He didn't call because he was studying for a music theory exam. I am so sorry to disappoint. I may just let this slide as I don't have regular access to the WEFT airwaves.
  12. Hello Friends, My interview has been rescheduled for 8:00pm (CST) THIS TUESDAY 8/26/2014 at the link above. Hope you can listen! - Michael Sczerba
  13. WOW! A really rough period for great musicians and fans. R.I.P. Johnny! He was a righteous blues musician for sure.
  14. R.I.P. Mr. Haden. One of my favorite bass players so a huge loss to me.
  15. R.I.P. Horace. What a legacy! AND - one to foster new talent in his bands from Carmell Jones to Tom Harrell and Bob Berg. Silver's music attracted my ear early on - the great voicings/harmonies, unique melodies, great piano playing, excellent ensembles, and a sort of hipness missing in today's music. "African Queen" for me is a great example of SOUL MUSIC! Thankful to hear his group in the early 1980's in Cleveland, OH.
  16. I bought this recently. There is a lot of great music here. But I feel it doesn't hold together "as an album" very well And I'd like to hear more Cannonball soloing. When he does it's intense. Some GREAT clarinet by Alvin Batiste though...a MOFO on the instrument.
  17. Right around 60 yrs. old I believe. I think he's on the Wooten Lost Tapes cd. I want to ask him about his music making in Indianapolis. ON Jr. is quite a piccolo player...influenced by Hubert Laws. Has harmonic aspects of ON Sr.'s playing in his. Quite a fine musician in his own right. Anyway, as soon as he lets me know, I'll post here when the rescheduled interview will be.
  18. Sorry this didn't happen. Problems with phone interface at station. Working to reschedule. Oliver Jr. is cool with it. Will repost here when new date is arrived at.
  19. Greetings, Tuesday night, May 13 at 8:00pm (CST) I will be interviewing Oliver Nelson, Jr. about his father's life and work, as well as what ON, Jr. is doing these days. He is a student here at U of Illinois in Jazz Studies and I met up with him at a local gig (w/ Jim Snidero & others) last month. Listen on line at WEFT
  20. I didn't care for the later 3 sounds in my "younger" days, but enjoy most all their recordings now. I appreciate Dan's insight in the longer post above. I think Cuscuna in the liner notes to the new reissue of "Coldwater" inplies that Oliver's arrangements were holding Gene back, but I don't sense this. Almost the same band as on "Live in LA" on Impulse and it sounds great IMO.
  21. I agree, This topic has been discussed extensively here I think. I just don't know just what is SO darn "inferior" about the music of the Three Sounds that sales would be affected if reissued. Back when I started buying their lps, I just thought they were yet another fantastic side of the Blue Note "rainbow" of great jazz. "Gene Harris vs Herbie Hancock?" Who cares. The music is great!
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