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Posts posted by mmilovan

  1. Speaking of historic importance, every note that CB Old Testament recorded are worth reissuing, but it is my opinion only.

    I will never be able to differ Basie's importance from those of Duke Ellington's - two of them are equal.

    But, I think, things are not grown enough. Later, maybe, we will have oll this stuff, to enjoy, listen and think about.

  2. Did they issued that album as CD?

    I've heard about the film, with almost the same content, but I don't now is it from that session, or something separately and different?

    Anyway, as far as I tried to manage that on the Net, there were no traces of it.

    Do someone knows anything about the film with Jo Jones?

  3. I don't find Turk's playing crowd pleasing in his core. It can be said to Flip Fillips, but it is not bad or it won't spoil the music and excitement. Arrays of solos are often enough well balanced from honk/scream to highly self thought mode, and that array is so important. "A cool one - Charlie Parker... an exciting one - Flip Fillips..." as Granz said on some of his intros.

  4. Anyone heard disc Chet made for Verve, with Phill Urso on tenor and small band behind? I saw it in the local store, but after Chet name there are references that he did flh and tp playing and vocals, also.

    As there is talk about vocals, disc with Italian strings do much to me. You may consider that is not jazz in his core, but easy listening music... anyway I like that one very much.

    Italian sessions are pretty good, too.

    But, to be sincere, I don't like the personality. Too hard to understand.

  5. If there were weak points (and any box set/album/performance has it, aint that true?), the excitement that produced 1946 session and "I Got Rhythm", "I Surrender Dear", "JATP Blues" and music made in heaven - "I've Found a New Baby", can put aside those low levels (if there are some). Terrific, some of the most important solos by Bird, Pres and Bean! How can anyone seek for anything more... Maybe you can: "Embraceable You", and the only one lasted vision of this composition played by Lester strengthen my thoughts he was true genius, alongside with Pops, Trane and Bird.

    His solo borrows not a single note from original song, still it is beautiful, sublime, romantic composition, that gives me chills.

    How great he was!

  6. Recently, I managed to get one.

    What bright new world, what great, great music are on 10 peaces of polycarbonate! Bird, Pres, Bean, Buck "Cateye", Willie Smith, Buddy Rich... All of them rocks all the time. The music has great dynamic, remastering job is well done, consider the year of live recordings.

    How many people share my opinion?

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