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Everything posted by mmilovan

  1. There is hidden mark of where it was produced, "Made in Italy by OPTI.ME.S" and onthe reverse side it is written: "CDT-Berlin JU 304 01" It is interesting to observe that some discs can be saved by re-burning it to CDR - to my mind computer CD unit always was better for reading defect CDs than ordinary CD player. And some newer computer DVDs (I've experienced this by simple experiment) can do such job even more precise and accurate (well I managed to safe recover disc data and save them by reading it on friend's DVD combo).
  2. Hope you will like it... no, I know, you will like it...
  3. Hell, I forgot to include Paul Whiteman in this compilation...
  4. All I can say is that I don't believe they sound with that crap noise reduction they had been washed for this issue. Too many early stage noise filtering. It kills the sound.
  5. Strange, I have that same issue, the same label, the same disc - mine is well, and disc has non-transparent layer. But, anyway it's important to know that such products are not durable... (well, not at least 15 years, cover says it was issued back in 1989).
  6. Hello Hans, and many thanks for taking part in our guessing game. Well, it certainly can be close to Hayes version (which I haven't heard, maybe there are some obvious similarities to the sound of these two bands), but... you will be suprised about the correct answer!
  7. Well, people, you've guessed a lot tracks/musicians. Many thanks for listening. I like coments and statements. To be precise, these are not only 1940's but theme has something to do with this period for sure.
  8. There is something new at the market: http://www.edirol.it/europe/details.asp?ct...&la=UK&code=346 All this seems quite interesting, although price is a little bit high.
  9. I've discovered how faster tempo numbers are more suitable for open spaces. Coleman Hawkins "Body and Soul" on the contrary is perfect match with dark, small room of little apartment; Pres version of the same tune (with Nat Cole, 1942.) is perfect for moving camera night scene, where target point is around 70 cm above the ground, shooting at long street perspectives with rather blue (not yellow or orange) street lights and slow moving in forward direction (a little rain will do very well, also, on this one). Billie Holiday's "Travellin' All Alone" and short intro Pres' solo is perfect for riding by train - it is straightforward understanding the word "travelling".
  10. Well, I can agree. In one occasion I listened to Ornette Coleman (waiting for something, in very downtown centre). It was very nice.
  11. I always wonder how many of us listen to music (via your portable) while walking, sitting on some particular place in town etc. I’ve discovered my little passion to listen to particular artist/style in special occasions or during special daytime hour, during special season, sitting in special place... on my portable CD player. It is somewhat lonely discipline, listening to music and looking at the people passing by, strolling down the street, gathering on the town square, while noisy cars passing you in front of. But what happy and deep feeling it can be. Today, I listened to “Early Autumn” (even it is cold late autumn or early winter time now) – done by Woody Herman’s band, trying to remember forever how splendid it was listen to Getz playing that saxophone solo and how it was beautiful sound picture, a frame for yellow leaves and rays of bright sunlight in such cold, dry day.
  12. If I may add my 2 cents here: - As far as I remember, Hawkins told people about Body and Soul, that it was recorded after he heard Hershel Evans died during his absence in Europe. - If facts are correct enough “Picasso” is not first Hawkins attempt to record solo sax free improvisation. It was "Hawk Variations" (extended on two sides of 78 rpm) that has the same structure and aproach (we had it in our BFT from Agustin). Matrix numbers for this one are marked as "Selmer" label (is it demostration record). First side (part 1) looks like nontempo playing "Yesterdays" but this is only my impression. Flip side is more free to my ears. Booklet says that "'Hawk Variations' is on of the rarest recordings by Hawk. The exact recording date remains in question. Discographies usually situate this session in 1947, but we consider it more likely that it took place during Hawk;s visit to Los Angeles in February/March 1945. Originally released on the obscure Selmer label in France, 'Hawk Variations' os a solo tenor saxophone tour de force, a taste of thoings to come in 1948 when Hawk recorded his celebrated tenor solo piece 'Picasso'".
  13. Posted this in another forum, but found it interesting to have it here, so: I've read in nov. 2004 issue of Stereophile good article about bit-to-bit comparison of SACD vs. CD (it was newest Norah Jones album). It was sent by some enthusiastic reader/sound processiong engeneer, alongside with print-screens from Audacity and Sondforge re-printed in magazine. As you can probably imagine frequency analysis, dynamic, range... etc. everything looks identical. Especially dynamic range so often emphasized in discussion about formats (you know those "you-can-FEEL-the-sound-of-musican's-breath..." etc...). The differences were, of course, in wider than 22 KHz CD limit freq. range filled with... you know what... warm, fresh, brilliant, mellow... NOISE! OK, maybe my observations are bit amateurish, but I found this reading an interesting one. Anyone read this article?
  14. Yep, it was from that CD which has rocketed to the top of my "must purchase" list based on the tune I heard ("Love Song from 'Apache'") as well as your comments Late! Count me in this group "mad-to-death lovers" of Bean's interpretation "Love Song from 'Apache'". First heard it on that Impulse album, and it took my body and soul, forever. There is something magical about that track, don't know what. Still, it is one of the greatiest moments in jazz-ballad interpretation, ever.
  15. Many thanks. BTW, is it in coordination with the rules of BFT to put some theme, moto, whatsoever to our BFT #20? Or shall I leave it blank for members to guess?
  16. OK, we (our little community) have 28+1 subscribers so far. This is just some data for those who care for statistics.
  17. Thanks!
  18. And, instead of promissed "circular" email, this is the place to tell, that all discs have been delievered about 6 days ago. Hope that packages will reach you soon, and looking forward to our discussion.
  19. Also, you can feel deeply impressed
  20. Dmitry, I have send all the discs today, while distributing all of them copies by myself. Anyway, if you find that .:.impossible can burn BFT disc for you, you are welcome to take part in our game/discussion/conversation...
  21. Today, all the discs have been sent. Thanks everyone for their kind offers for distribution help, I decided to do this myself. Anyway thank you again. Now, I think that our discussion will be more concentrate on meditation and impressions about particular tracks than on guessing game, I think this should be the easiest BFT to guess untill now.
  22. BTW, I never saw any commercial authoring PC program for doing 24/96 DVD-Audio on DVD discs... don't know if such thing can be done in home enviroment.
  23. OK folks, those were hard days, but I am ready to go. So please, send me e mail about yours exact street adress to deliever disc to. My email is as always: mmilovan@yubc.net If there is member who would like to provide help for sending disc (it would be one disc this time, if this is according to rules of our BFT) please notice me. You will recieve confirmation email from me, and also email about the sending disc to you or to our "relay person". Here we go. Thanks everyone. Milan Milovanovic
  24. It’s Pres for me that fits in all categories mentioned in thread starter. It is simply amazing how many people he influenced, and not only they were saxophonists (the list includes everyone from Bird, Trane, Konitz, Sonny, Dex, Ammons, Getz, Zoot Cohn to Hank Mobley, Wayne Shorter and (before while ago I figured that) Eddie Harris, but (even more often) guitarists (Christian, Kessel, Jim Hall and others), trumpet players (Miles), trombonists (J. J. Johnson), vocalists (Billie, Sylvia Syms) and so on... All of them admitted Pres as his main influence. The wonderful one came from Charlie Christian - as told to Jerry Jerome – the interviewer asked Jerry something like this: “... and... and... was Charlie influenced by Bird... by Armstrong... did he say something... whom... whom that was...., and Jerome shortly answered “Lester Young”. Lester is not one of most influential musicians of all time, but probably one of them greatest and, what is the most important – not widely recognized as such (probably only in musicians circles, general audience rarely heard about him). He perfectly fits into thread categories, and he is mine favourite, too. He had some special “aura” around him, don’t know what it is. Kind of musical magic.
  25. I don't think so. Is this a "whites are just as good as blacks" thread? Hell, no... No single thought about whites or blacks! My impressions was on nice teacher/clever pupil side, and I said I like BG. OK, if you can not hear what I can. What terrible world it will be if we thought the same about everything.
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