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Everything posted by Dmitry

  1. The only time I watched the Millionaire show happened to be when a question was asked after whom Birdland was named. Dude called his friend, music "expert", and the friend said Louis Armstrong. What a dummy.
  2. He gigs frequently in NY, I have seen him many times; he's a very talented and versatile pianist, as you know, but not all of his records are on the same high level, imo. That being said, the recent Sonny Clark tribute disc is pretty good.
  3. You're talking about the Vito Price disc, right? It's one of those topics that perished in the Great Blue Note Purge of 2003. Nice swing record, made when Basie was gging in Chicago, with Freddie Green and some other cats from the Basie orchestra, not anything essential, imo. Mine is the Fresh Sound issue, I believe it recently came out in the mini-lp incarnation. Sound's all right.
  4. I never had a digipack break when dropped. Jewel cases, otoh... Verve Master Edition digipacks suck bollocks.
  5. Everything gets damaged easily if you don't take care of it. Except for THE BOX, of course.
  6. I like digipacks. What's not to like?
  7. Thanks. I'll check it out. Saw it at the used cd place the other day, and it looked like one of those European digi-packs.
  8. How's the McFarland-Kuhn disc? Is it similar to Gil Evans' arrangments?
  9. Which Russell disc is it? George?
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