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Stefan Wood

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Everything posted by Stefan Wood

  1. Kirby's opinion was shared by others. Remember, Lee's plot contributions were generalized concepts that the artists brought to full fruition and detail . In many cases they introduced characters that either fell flat on their faces or became classic characters on their own. Kirby's beef was that he was not getting credit (and money) for these ideas that he brought in. Timely was not doing well in the late 50s until Kirby and Ditko came in and started doing creature feature type stories. Stan was always a businessman, not a creative genius.
  2. Scott, you are correct, I was thinking VIsta but typed 7.
  3. This is the first Mac OS that I will not upgrade to; I have heard so many issues with it, like Windows 7 bad. But I have an old MacMini 2012 model that I will keep on going until I have no choice but to get the latest and greatest, even though I can not upgrade the hard drive.
  4. RIP Stan. He was not an innovator; he was a good promoter and showman. The real work was done by several artists who worked for him, especially Kirby and Ditko. I will give him credit for taking the long form comic strip narrative and applying it to comic books, spreading a storyline out over many issues and even different titles. It got people to buy books that they wouldn't have, except for the fact it had x character appearing in it. Guys like Roy Thomas, Gerry Conway, Jim Shooter and others probably did more to build Marvel into prominence than anything that Stan ever did. But he was a good front for the company, and popular.
  5. I don't mind hearing Mingus with a different drummer. Variety.
  6. At least on the opening track, Roy Brooks scorches the earth with his drumming.
  7. Just saw this, as well as a mention in the Washington Post. Much too young. RIP.
  8. That's a Jack Kirby background. The inking looks like Mark Evanier. Neither of them likely did this. Probably some artist who was inspired by the New Gods era artwork.
  9. I learned something new. Outstanding! I look forward to reading your book, Mark!
  10. .....but mostly because of the collateral damage they do to our bank accounts.
  11. You can preorder tbrough bandcamp.
  12. Damn i strongly disagree with this sentiment.
  13. Good. It's like he took what they did and expanded upon it. Not a slavish imitation.
  14. You will be shocked at how well he invokes his father's playing. And the spirit of Ornette Coleman as well.
  15. I just listened to this album today for the first time. He's referencing his father, especially the group Old and New Dreams. It's a stunner. With Ron Miles, Brian Blade, and Scott Colley. Might be one of my favorite albums released this year.
  16. I have to say, I'm really liking the live albums that have been coming out recently. More than the studio material.
  17. Around $25 shipped. They sell quickly but do get restocked.
  18. Should anyone be looking for speaker cables, I recently purchased this from Amazon and recommend it. Really good for not a lot of money. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06ZZ5HCTM/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  19. For the longest time I had thought this was Ron McMaster:
  20. How long have you been here? Back in the blue note bulletin board days we would froth at the mouth over the latest Connoisseur, OJC, etc. reissues. Pages would be wasted discussing them. The well has run dry, except for live dates, and anything that isn't the 100th reiteration of an album does gets people's attention. There hasn't been much to talk about that hasn't been discussed before. This is something different.
  21. Who's getting wound up? It's a marketing push, for sure, of an artist long dead, pilfering through what scraps of unissued material remains. That it still makes for good listening, even for a rehearsal session, says a lot about the high standards of performing everyone involved did. It's just different now. Jazz is different now.
  22. Never. It just shows that they performed at a high level, all the time.
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