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Stefan Wood

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Everything posted by Stefan Wood

  1. No, I think it is in the brick and mortar stores as well. Why the heck would they do it on a Wednesday?? Make money when more people are NOT at work, like yesterday!
  2. Is it possible that there was a conflict with the Sundazed reissues -- as in, hey we're already doing this, why should Classic Records get in on it?
  3. Weizen, you've come a loooong way since those dark and uncertain days when you thought burning a disc meant opening your Rat Pfink Zippo lighter and torching those unwanted discs..........
  4. They are all good. Andrew Hill, Jackie McLean "Hipnosis", Freddie Hubbard's "Here to Stay," etc.
  5. I have this lp and I recently returned to it when I was putting some lps onto cd -- this is an EXCELLENT release, very advanced music.
  6. Foxy Brown -- an underrated masterpiece by one of the underrated soul singers of the 70's, Willie Hutch.
  7. I prefer Borders' cd prices over Tower, who has gone off the deep end in what they think they can sell retail. Sure, Tower has better sales, but if I'm looking for a jazz cd on a label that doesn't have a sale often or at all, Borders' is usually cheaper. Especially dvds.
  8. James Brown, Funkadelic, Ornette Coleman, McCoy Tyne, Cal Tjader, and other items of interest up for auction. Look for the seller kinggab or http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?View...5&since=-1&rd=1
  9. Yes, it came out a couple of years ago. This is an excellent cd. It says "limited Edition," but they seem to stay available for a long time.
  10. Jackie McLean - Action!!!!!!!!! or Tyrone Washington - train wreck session. I'd be right there causing all the commotion.
  11. Thank GOD they don't allow food in the Washington Monument........
  12. Like the mindless consumer that I am, I slavishly bought this on Tuesday, and have watched a disc a night. I am enjoying it tremendously -- the picture quality is fantastic, though I think splitting up the channels into 5.1 sort of dumbs down the sound from what I remember as being really dynamic. Too bad there is no commentary on any of these. One thing though: last night I saw Temple of Doom and I swear they messed with the editing on this picture. There were scenes inserted and I think some deleted, to keep a fast pace throughout the picture. The special effects were definitely cleaned up, notably the scene where they are hanging off the bridge and the bad guys are falling into the water. I never had the video tape of this movie, so I can't compare, but does anyone else notice the slight changes? An example of the addition is where Indy and the others first arrive at the village where they are told about their plight -- there is a shot where they show the village looking down from a hill that I don't remember. Anyways, this is real fussy of me -- normally I don't give a rat's patootie about this but I saw this in a great theater when I was 15 and must have seen it a million times on cable since. But this is messing with my memory!
  13. Weizen, you wouldn't have this problem if you cut down on the imported beer and the JRVGs. Geez, put some money aside for the kid's college, will ya?
  14. Chris, Artists like Cecil Payne, Big Jay McNeely, Lee Allen, Willis Jackson, Sam Taylor, and more!
  15. Ubu, I got your PM and responded. Marcus, I'll email you.
  16. Dave Holland - Live at Birdland Greg Osby - St Louis Shoes Wayne Shorter - Alegria and I'll second the William Parker "Scrapbook" Thirsty Ear cd. It is OUTSTANDING!!!!!!
  17. I just received this disc yesterday. It is by NO means Ware's best work, though it is interesting. It just seems unfocused -- some of the tunes are like movie soundtracks, others more jazz or classical oriented. The William Parker string date that came out this past summer blows this away, in compositions and playing. The Parker is one of my favorite releases this year -- but not the Ware.
  18. I can't recall about the JRVGs, but I do also remember the TOCJs being mentioned as being from second generation tapes.
  19. Patience, grasshoppers...........
  20. I'm looking for a cdr of this double lp set. If this was ever issued on cd, let me know.
  21. The cymbal heaviness may be from the recording itself -- I once borrowed a copy of the vinyl from an acquaintence, and it too was cymbal heavy. But still, it didn't detract from a kick ass session that this is.
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