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Stefan Wood

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Everything posted by Stefan Wood

  1. This is one of the best:
  2. Who cares if it is problematic? If it is anything like the Connoisseur release, this should be great!
  3. I think our collective attention span is so short now that anything before 1996 is old school to many...........
  4. Prince makes it WORK, that's the thing. The cheesy synths actually sound refreshing, in light of a lot of the current music being made.
  5. updated, added a few things, will add more in the future. Check out my ebay auctions also -- look for the seller kinggab. I have Cecil Taylor Blue Notes, Andrew Hills, Booker Littles, Mingus, a bunch of nice items.
  6. Updated, with items on hold.
  7. I'm selling the following: shippng in the US is $2 for 1-3 cds, $3.50 for 4+. Airmail is determined by location of buyer. Please PM me. And I take money orders or Paypal.
  8. C'mon, it's NOT perfect! Prince has still done better, but considering what he's been doing over the past ten years this is definitely one of his strongest efforts. I'll agree that the first half of this album (and it is an album, a measly 47 minutes by today's standards) just gives up the funk old school style, and no one can imitate his style or creativity. I like a couple of his ballads also, but the pacing is lost as it gets towards the end -- even after a few listens, I found myself not paying attention to the final few tracks. Still, this is a good comeback album!
  9. I never understood the popularity of Krispy Kremes. They are just bad and cheaply made doughnuts. Even Dunkin Donuts are superior. In DC there used to be a chain called Montgomery Donuts -- still around in a couple of spots, I think -- and they are the real deal.
  10. Up again. New additions.
  11. I would definitely get Blue Spirits. A little more "out" for Hubbard than the hard bop stuff he was doing, but excellent music nevertheless. There has been a LOT of debate about Night of the Cookers -- some find the long tunes overblown and the playing not very good for the two trumpet titans of the time; others find it to be great live jam material. It would be interesting to hear how much the sound is improved by RVG, as the original cd reissue sounded muddy, but that just may be the recording.
  12. Cool about the Grimes. My thing is, if the McVeas are pirated, from whom did they do the deed? I have to admit I am ambivalent about the Fresh Sound/Discomforme etc. discs, especially when they come up with stuff that NO ONE has reissued yet. The Roy Brooks is another example. But in the case where they ripped off Nessa's Mingus cd, I can't support that. I would put my money into Nessa's label any day for reissues, as opposed to buying a cheaper import copy.
  13. The thing is, what American company would put McVea's stuff out? Complete?? The sound is very decent. I've also been eyeing the Tiny Grimes, which is from the same series......
  14. You know what, I was thinking of the French Black and White (or is it Blue?) label. Still though. I have a 4 cd set of Jack McVea material that covers (I believe) ALL of his 40's material. I love this guy's playing -- he sounds a lot like Coleman Hawkins. This was reissued by Blue Moon (aka Fresh Sound Spain).
  15. Lon which Black and White sessions haven't been reissued? I recently came across a fair amount of cd Black and Whites from artists like Buddy Tate, Jimmy Witherspoon, Sonny, Stitt, Eddie Davis, Ray Bryant, etc. etc.
  16. There are a lot of albums on Muse that deserve to be reissued. As well as Onyx and Xanadu, though some have come out on High Note.
  17. Matthew, The sound quality blows away those old US Warner reissues. I haven't checked out the dvd yet, but I listened to the cds and was fascinated at how much they injected into their music. It wasn't all riffs and head banging drums. I have to confess as much as I love their early albums, Never Can Say Die is my personal favorite -- Johnny Blade just ROCKS!!!! The liner notes are extensive, as they are in a thin hardcover book. There are lyrics to ALL the tunes, and the obligitory quotes from all the current artists who were inspired by the band. No jewel cases, these are all in digipaks.
  18. I really like this period of Chico Hamilton's music. Overall, I find his music on Impulse! to be very strong, and of course it has everything to do with his sidemen. Like Art Blakey, he was excellent at discovering new talent. I actually listened to Chic Chic Chico recently -- good album, deserving of reissue.
  19. Check this out: http://www.jewelboxing.com/indextch.php
  20. Black Sabbath's Black Box - the Ozzy Years. Oh YEAHHHHHHHHH!
  21. I have some stuff for auction. Feel free to check it out. http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?View...&sort=3&rows=50
  22. Okay, so I foolishly bought it from Dusty Groove. Got it in the mail yesterday. Listened to the first disc, and will sell it. Definitely NOT what I thought it would be, even based on the advertising. Awkward, James Taylor Quartet ish, bad attempt at funky soul jazz, the trio sound marred by "cool" and "hip" sound samples that do nothing but detract from the music. I'd rather listen to the Bad Plus. Big thumbs down!
  23. Just received my order yesterday. I only bought the Sylvan Theater 93 concert, and it came as a two disc set, with nice tray graphics and track listings. The sound was as I expected -- a bit harsh, but hey, this is a punk concert! Sometimes the vocals or the instruments come and go, probably because they moved away from the mikes. It was recorded from a DAT machine, and overall I am pleased with it. A smoking concert from their heyday. I'll probably go after one of their later concerts next.
  24. I'll be snagging these as well. When they first came out on dvd, the prices were too expensive (around 30 bucks). I hope the transfers are good.
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