SW-- I'm not anti-Brilliant, rather pro-Handel! I found the complete contents btw-- (I'd also add nobody can make the early Dvorak string quartets outstanding but Stamitz there do as well as anyone, their Martinu & Janacek are v. good also) https://www.jpc.de/jpcng/classic/detail/-/art/edition-box/hnum/7697204?iampartner=n31 You can decide for yourself what groupings of works etc are desirable here but within the oratorios they include, I'd recommend... NONE, maybe the Markus Creed cond. "Jephta" but really even that a distant third choice, after the superb live Biondi cond. on BIS & peak-period Gardiner. Creed's band is good... Depending how much of the concertos & chamber etc one needs and the performances, it might be worthwhile-- the Brilliant Corelli box is recommendable, for example, if not a first choice in any pieces-- but esp. in baroque where timbre & improvisatory zing! are so important... I'm wary & in the case of the oratorios, pining elsewhere. Shosty box is very good but do ttry to hear avant- &/or wacky DSCH of "The Nose" & the early ballets also. Moms, you are probably correct in your assessment. Apparently a lot of the material is culled from the Handel Portrait Brilliant box, which received mixed reviews. This is something that, at it's current price offering, is too good to pass up, as I have no Handel music. It may not be the best, but I'm not necessarily looking for the best. It's all relative to what one wants out of the set. In a completely different box set, Vivaldi, I was happy with the Marriner box until Larry Kart got my attention with his praise of the naive cds. I picked one up and was blown away by the vibrancy of the playing. Out went the Marriner.