I have had perfect vision my entire life until very recently (I'm 42). In the past year or so I've noticed the street signs getting more and more blurry--especially at night. It was never that big a problem as I usually know where I'm going and/or I could figure out what the sign said by guessing. Anything backlit--like advertising signs at the airport--were very blurry. Seeing the score of a basketball game on television was getting pretty iffy. I was more or less ignoring the problem until I had to go to Montreal for work. Not only was I unfamiliar with the city, but the street signs were all in French and I could no longer guess what they said!
I finally broke down and went to the eye doctor. Guess I'm near-sighted, which is weird because I read A LOT for work and I still can see fine up-close. Everyone else I know my age who had to get glasses had to get reading glasses. I've got the opposite problem.
Although I really only need them to drive, I pretty much wear my glasses all the time now. I've got the rimless kind too, Chuck, now I'm worried they'll start cracking like yours have!