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Everything posted by EKE BBB

  1. Anita Baker Anita O’Day Daisy Duck
  2. ... Lonehill Jazz CD which is... ...plus bonus tracks.
  3. Alan Lomax Alain Delon Romy Schneider
  4. A few Martial Solal discs over the weekend: Live at Newport ‘63 (RCA Victor, 1963) Konitz- Solal - European Episode (Campi Records, 1969) Nothing But Piano (MPS, 1976) Solosolal (MPS, 1979) Live at the Village Vanguard (Cam Jazz, 2008)
  5. Mad Max Max Kaminsky Max G. Kaminski
  6. RTVE’s ‘Jazz Entre Amigos’ program, dedicated to Martial Solal, presented by the sorely missed Juan Claudio Cifuentes, ‘Cifu’. 12th December 1988. https://www.rtve.es/play/videos/jazz-entre-amigos/jazz-entre-amigos-martial-solal-retrato-musico/5716886/
  7. So sad to report the passing of one of the greatest European jazz pianists. He was 97 years old. 😔 Rest in peace, Monsieur Solal.
  8. I do not own a copy of volume 1 of the Armstrong Masters of Jazz series, but, FWIW, the Frémeaux & Associés 'Louis Armstrong Intégrale, volume 1' also lists September 1923 for the Paramount King Oliver session. This edition dates back to 2006. Liner notes by Daniel Nevers (English version by Laurie Wright) state: "(...) The same applies to the Paramount session (no connection with the eponymous Hollywood major), as all original recording sheets were destroyed in 1942. When these Oliver 78s were first republished, they were thought to be from late 1922. The date then changed to March 1923 and, later still, on Christmas Eve. Should this be the case we would hear the refashioned Oliver structure, but it is in fact the old band. Another enigma is that only three titles were made, but there again there maybe wasn't time for a fourth piece".
  9. Dexter Gordon - Gordon’s Gotham (Everest, 1970)
  10. Brooke Shields Larry Shields Larry Bird
  11. Stiv Bators The Lords of the New Church Traci Lords
  12. James (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_(band)) James (https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Rodríguez) Jaime I de Aragón
  13. ...originally on Wynne, with "El Gato" as the leader:
  14. Prompted by Michael Steinman's post in his Jazz Lives blog (new Prez & Oscar photo spotted).
  15. Johnny Frigo Johnny Depp Deep Learning 👾
  16. Ben Webster - Live at the Haarlemsee Club (Cat/Limetree reissue)
  17. Archie Shepp Ernie Shepard Aaron Bell
  18. Jefferson Airplane Thomas Jefferson Isaiah Thomas
  19. Patricia Barber Barbecue Bob Bob Kennedy
  20. Charlie The Chulo Chu-Lin Lindy Hoppers
  21. Edgar Winter Indian Summer Autumn in New York
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