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Everything posted by EKE BBB

  1. followed by...
  2. Glad to know about your "Spanish connection"...
  3. As for the main solist, Ricard Roda on alto sax, I would recommend to start with As for Spanish jazz from the same period, this is also strongly recommended: And finally, as for jazz musicians interpreting traditional Catalan songs, I have to go with Tete Montoliu, of course. Check his Catalan Suite from or any of these two discs:
  4. Over the weekend:
  5. Back to obscure pianists:
  6. Not sure if they have been mentioned over the ca. 10 years time span of this thread, but I have been revisiting and highly enjoying the following three pianists for the last few days: - Dorothy Donegan - Art Simmons - Bernard Peiffer
  7. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Karim Benzema Karina
  8. Parallel listenings?
  9. No, it's a pianoless group with Alan Shorter (flg), Roswell Rudd (tb), John Tchicai (as), Reggie Workman (b) and Charles Moffett (d)
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