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Posts posted by djcavanagh

  1. I doubt it is diverting resources - I can't imagine Sony are trying to decide whether to release a Miles Davis box set or reissue some obscure recordings. The fact that they are releasing the bootleg box shows that they haven't stopped releasing things that will appeal to the likes of us (who is to say that this won't end up subisidizing the second volume of that).

    In the case of a set like this I think that it does give a pretty good overview of the music at least from the late 50s to the early 70s. Chances are if you don't like any of it you're not likely to enjoy this era(s) of jazz (I know this is an over-simplification but I think it is a great primer in that there is a pretty big variety in the recordings included). My entry point was the Ken Burns set of discs and the negativity that was directed towards that would imply that I shouldn't have been given that opportunity. We need to be careful not to insist that people follow the same path to the music as we did (and to be clear I'm not suggesting that this is what you are doing, just that people often have a tendency to become purists and feel the need to protect their interests from late-comers - you see it with early fans of bands that become popular).

    Ultimately we have to be realistic - jazz is no longer commercial (and hasn't been for a long time). Anything that results in more people buying jazz cds is something that I'd have a hard time railing against. And if people buy something that they don't end up getting value out of it then that is their loss - worst case scenario is that a record label turns a profit. It is commerce.

    Incidentally I'd have no issue with an all-download approach if it meant getting the music out there. But I'm certainly not going to criticize Sony for issuing this set.

  2. I don't see what the problem is. This isn't designed to appeal to people who have an extensive Miles Davis collection (presumably there isn't anything exclusive to the box), and it is significantly cheaper than the larger Columbia box that came out. So for people who might have the odd Miles Davis album this looks as if it would be an excellent way to purchase a wide-ranging selection of great jazz. Even if people don't have any jazz they might be willing to take a chance on something at this price point.

    Anything that encourages people to take the plunge has to be a good thing, at least in my book.

  3. According to the amazon page the tracklisting of the dvd is:

    DVD Track listing:1. Agitation, 2. Footprints, 3. I Fall In Love Too Easily, 4. Walkin , 5. Gingerbread Boy, 6. The Theme, 7. Agitation, 8. Footprints

    9. Round Midnight, 10. Gingerbread Boy, 11. The Theme

    This seems like all of the Stockholm concert and about half of the Karlsruhe one.

  4. Agreed (although at least one of the Sun Ra Transparency sets was) but I could also have searched for the Japanese cd issue, although obviously this would have tested my preference given the likely price differential.

    In any event I'm picking it up from Dusty Groove today. Am looking forward to it as I really enjoyed the previous Dickerson release.

  5. No problem.

    It isn't the sound as much as the long-term robustness. In my experience cd-rs tend to scratch much more easily and I have had trouble in the past ripping them to my hard drive.

    Edited to say that the comment wasn't in response to both comments that had been made rather than to yours alone.

  6. Just buy the music.

    That's right! I'm sure you'll never hear any difference in sound quality between a CD and a CD-R.

    I was intending to do so. I have a strong personal preference for cds over cd-rs, however, which I see no reason to apologise for.

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