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Posts posted by djcavanagh

  1. Andrew Hill and his quintet will be playing at the New Morning here on April 8 as part of the Bose Blue Note Festival. Just when I'll be out of town :(

    Sorry that you won't be able to make it Brownie but thanks for mentioning it here. My wife and I were planning a weekend in Paris after my exam in early April anyway so I was able to swing it :D .

    If anyone else is interested I booked the tickets here:


  2. I have the Japanese 'Agartha'; 'Mayisha' comes to a proper end- as opposed to the fade on all other versions- and the final few minutes of disc 2 have some additional feedback/ bleeps/ rattling percussion. A few minutes extra in total although if you don't have them I wouldn't lose any sleep unless you're a real Miles nut.

    That said, I do prefer the mix on the Japanese version.

    Anyone got the Japanese 'Pangaea'?

    I have the Japanese Pangaea. Like the Japanese Aghatha the sound is much better than on the Columbia-versions. That said, I can't compare them to the original LP's.

    Any extra music on the Japanese edition?

    From my ipod (so subject to a slight margin for error), the japanese times are as follows:


    Zimbabwe - 41.42

    Gondawana - 49.46


    Prelude - 32.33

    Maiysha - 13.10

    Interlude... - 1.00.48

  3. P.S.

    Got my replacement for the Pepper box yesterday (disc 2 was missing) at the Frankfurt shop , and they had several copies of each box in stock - all of them the LP sized US boxes, whenever they were issued in that format.

    So you still have a chance, it seems.

    Didn't spot any more of the Mosaics, however .....

    Their website says that they are sold out of the Wes Montgomery so I can't replace my defective one. I don't suppose anyone would be willing to go to the Frankfurt (or any other store) to buy another one for me? :w I could then return my defective one to the mail order part.

  4. Has anyone noticed some distortion on tracks 1 & 2 of Disc 1: Wes Montgomery Riverside set?

    I've just checked mine and they seem ok. Certainly didn't notice anything initially.

    However the last track on cd 7 (Jingles) has skipping/distortion at the very end, which isn't meant to be there. There doesn't look to be any scratches or anything so it looks like it must be defective.

    There seems to be a bit of skipping on CD1 of the Dexter but from past experience 2001 should replace it.

    Sidewinder, which track on the Dexter Gordon did you have problems with? I'd like to check before I go back to them on the Montgomery.

  5. I was stupid enough to add two Stax Vol. 2 to my basket without reading/noticing the fact in I don't know how many "are you sure that is what you want" windows and e-mails.

    Duh. Duh. Duh.

    I can't imagine you'll have any trouble selling it on at that price!

    I received my Bill Evans - complete Riverside today. It IS the big box but the CDs were pressed in Germany.

    I thought the bix boxes are only from the US?

    I have a sneaky feeling that the big boxes may always have been made in Germany - it's just the ones that were sold there that were small.

    And I don't think that it was just the US. Certainly in the UK I haven't seen any of the smaller ones for sale.

  6. holy holy!

    another 100 € gone...

    both Bill Evans boxes (after that all I miss, as far as Evans boxes go, is the "Secret Sessions" box...), the Dexter box, plus the recent Bud Powell, "Bebop", for 3 eurozlotys.

    this should be great! I have not heard any of the Evans, only got one ("The Panther!") of the Prestige Dexters, and have been watching that Powell for a long time (this was the third instalment of the Paris stuff, yes? I also miss the second one...)

    They do have the Secret Sessions (#76679) but it is more expensive at €65.99.

    I received my Wes Montgomery today and it too is the "big box" :D

  7. Yes, the Monk seems to be out of stock even when you input the number direct. The Wes is there though.

    P&P/shipping to the UK for 3 sets very reasonable at EU 9.20. Hope the packaging holds together..

    Seems to be €9.20 no matter how much you are ordering. They did combine a couple of orders that I made separately into one order from the point of view of shipping so they get a :tup from that perspective.

  8. I think they're gone again.

    They seem to be back again. As Tjobbe says if you click on the Mein Bestellzettel button on the right of the screen (which takes you here) and then enter a 1 followed by the numbers you want (the Gordon is 76520) then click Aktualisieren and if there is a price on the following screen then they are in stock. Tick that you accept their terms and conditions and click on Weiter to proceed to payment.

    The Monk doesn't seem to be in stock though.

    If you need any help within the next half an hour or so PM me with your telephone number (if you're in the UK which it looks like you are ejp626) and I can talk you through it.

  9. Yes, there's not much in London, especially if you're used to the selection and prices I've seen here in NYC and Boston, for instance.

    Whilst I stand by what I said about London I'm not sure I'd agree that it suffers in comparison with Boston. I'm sure it does with regards to price but I'd have said that the selection was as good, if not better due to the larger number of outlets.

    Unless of course I was looking in the wrong places when I was in Boston :(

    I meant to say, though didn't of course, with regards to second-hand discs, at least in Boston (and then, you get to buy more, of course, what with the ridiculously high prices in London - and around Europe, more generally). But in general, I'd much rather go to NYC than London if I were shopping for either classical or jazz cd's.

    Yeah unfortunately there isn't a great second hand market for jazz in London (but I suppose that's what ebay is for :) ).

    I've only been to New York once and that was before my "conversion" to jazz but can well believe that it is much better. Am hoping to go at some point this year!

  10. Yes, there's not much in London, especially if you're used to the selection and prices I've seen here in NYC and Boston, for instance.

    Whilst I stand by what I said about London I'm not sure I'd agree that it suffers in comparison with Boston. I'm sure it does with regards to price but I'd have said that the selection was as good, if not better due to the larger number of outlets.

    Unless of course I was looking in the wrong places when I was in Boston :(

  11. If you can find one in London, you might try going into Fopp, which has a fair number of jazz CDs for 5 pounds. I like it much better than Virgin, though the selection is fairly limited.

    Fopp is a great little shop (it's on Shaftesbury Avenue near Cambridge Circus) but as you say the selection is fairly limited and is often hit and miss as to what they have in stock.

    To be honest Bol I think that you will be a bit disappointed. Apart from the HMV and Virgin shops already mentioned there isn't a great deal of choice. There is Ray's Jazz shop, which is part of Foyles book shop on Charing Cross Road but it isn't exactly massive. There are a variety of second hand shops but unfortunately none that spring to mind as being particularly good for jazz. I can give you more details if you would like.

    And there is also the aforementioned pricing issue. I went into HMV on Wednesday with vouchers in hand to spend in their sale and came out completely empty handed. There seems to be nothing in the sale that wasn't in it before Christmas. So whilst I would have said that your timing would have been good, unfortunately I don't think that this will turn out to be the case.

    Can't help you with Amsterdam I'm afraid.

    Hope you enjoy your trip anyway :D

  12. They also seem to have the Monk (€50), Wes Montgomery (€40) and Bill Evans (€45) Riverside boxes incredibly cheap (although they don't seem to currently have tehm in stock).

    Does anyone know if these are the 12x12 size boxes or just the slipcase ones that seem to be sold in some places in Europe?

    I am assuming the latter given the price. Even so...

    They also seem to have some OJC cds at €2.99 but finding them means going through each artist individually unfortunately. I have no idea whether or not these are in stock though.

  13. I was there too and was very surprised at the poor turnout - I'm not even sure it was 50% full.

    I'd never heard any of his music before and generally prefer small groups but I had a fantastic time - his enthusiasm was infectious and the band themsleves (possibly excepting the guitarist!) seemed to be having a ball.

    I'd be very surprised if he came again, though, given the turnout. Where would he play?

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