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  1. track 7 - Yesterdaze
  2. Rodney Jones, Ronny Jordan, and Rodney Jordan - no wonder I'm confused!
  3. Salt Song, and Sugar for that matter, always left me cold. And I own everything Turrentine did for BN so he's not the problem. I kind of like the version of Speedball he did on Cherry with Milt. My fav CTI albums are probably Outback & Moon Germs by Farrell, Concierto by Hall, and Sunflower by Milt w/Freddie. Lots of great players on the label, but not really a fan of their overall thing. FWIW, YMMV, etc. Nonetheless, nice to see them available at reasonable prices for them that's interested.
  4. I certainly thought the show I saw here in PDX was stronger than the record from that tour, but that may just have been the effect of being there in the same room with 'em - so yes, curious.
  5. It's all nice musics, but I don't have much to say about any of it. Sorry.
  6. I don't think that's snotty, I think that's despair.
  7. Didn't Strozier give up sax for piano at one point due to the declining quality of the cane used for reeds? I share his frustration, but that's a little drastic! A great individual voice on sax, he was.
  8. Interesting Item. Interesting guy too. Met him once about 35 years ago.
  9. a fireball
  10. Yes, free jazz and pop of various sorts were often targets. And on organ dates, weirdly enough, other organ players were often dissed.
  11. Those are genius notes, the Monk/Hardin ones are pretty good too. Lee Morgan, If I Were... The worst jazz album notes from the '70s are ones on reissues that piss and moan about fusion when it's totally irrelevant to the subject at hand.
  12. This, or something very like it.
  13. Black Beauty with just Corea but not Jarrett and Grossman is in that timeframe too. I don't know that I prefer Leibman to any of the other post-Shorter sax players with Miles - Grossman, Bartz, Garnett, Sonny Fortune, they are all fine players. As is Leibman, they each brought their own thing.
  14. That's nice, especially the baritone sax. I like the 10" he did for Blue Note, do they even still own that?
  15. I'll be that guy - I find the RCA era, and the Impulse as well, to be kind of a mess. All over the place in approach and the quality of the end results. There certainly are things I love, and they're different than the other eras, but there's plenty that's just not there for me too. FWIW, which may not be much. And as I think I've said here and probably more than once, I'm with JSngry in finding much to love in the last half of his career (Next Album to the end).
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