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About dreamcatcher_43

  • Birthday 04/23/1958

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  • Location
    Missouri, USA
  • Interests
    1950s/early 1960s jazz on the Blue Note, Columbia, Verve, Riverside, Contemporary, Prestige, and impulse! labels. Vacuum tube hi-fi. Reading, history, cooking, cats.

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I see this is available from Acoustic Sounds as of today. I think the MFSL gold CD of this title sounds great, but Steve Hoffman and others have always strongly criticized its sonics. If you purchase the new AP SACD, please post your impressions here, particularly if you can compare the redbook layer to the Mobile Fidelity gold CD version. Thanks! P.S. The AP hybrid (mono) SACD of Ella and Louis is also out today.
  2. I did join and I have to agree with you: small w/o many posts. Strange that current and former SH.tv gorts would have their own forum.
  3. Is the Speakeasy Forum anything like SH.tv? Thanks.
  4. I see that not much has changed there. Pity.
  5. Well, the packaging on all the AP BN SACDs clearly states that the mastering was done by Steve Hoffman and Kevin Gray at AcousTech mastering. I don't understand why that would be a hot topic for discussion. Lots of classic rock there.
  6. I was banned from Hoffman's forum last year. I sent him a message on FB asking to be reinstated a while back, and he said that he "...would love to have me back as nobody discusses jazz any more." LOL I'm pretty sure that Hans still discusses jazz there with SOMEBODY. Anyway, he said it was up to the gorts whether I would be reinstated. Naturally, the answer was "no." Personally, I think the worst thing that Steve Hoffman ever did was starting his own website. All the adoration from his "disciples" seems to have changed his personality. Anyway, I digress. I called Acoustic Sounds and the guy to whom I spoke (not Nate, who seems very cool) obviously didn't know what he was talking about. Time will tell about the Sterling Sound "sound."
  7. Is this a good thing, from a sonics standpoint? I see on RTI's website that Kevin Gray is no longer with AcousTech Mastering, but is now associated with an outfit called Cohearent Mastering. Perhaps this is the reason for the change. I'm not familiar with the work of George Marino of Sterling Sound. Is he in the same league as Kevin Gray and Steve Hoffman? The titles which are now listed as being mastered by SS include the following: Cat Stevens - "Tea for the Tillerman" "Getz/Gilberto" Ella Fitzgerald - "Like Someone in Love" Ella Fitzgerald - "Clap Hands, Here Comes Charlie!" "Ben Webster Meets Oscar Peterson" "Ella and Louis" Johnny Hodges - "Blues A-Plenty" and many more.
  8. I purchased 12 from Acoustic Sounds for $1 apiece. They have the Super Jewel Box logo imprinted in the plastic and are exact replacements for the cases used for the Analogue Productions impulse! reissues.
  9. I called Audio Wave and you're correct: the recent events in Japan have caused a delay in shipping to the USA.
  10. Anybody here have an "in" with Michael Cuscuna? I'd like to know what the hold up is in bringing the rest of these titles to market. Thanks.
  11. Thank you, Chuck and Tom.
  12. What's a reliable retail source for small quantities of Super Jewel Boxes (as used for SACD packaging)? Thanks.
  13. My thanks to all who replied. I just purchased a factory-sealed copy of the DCC gold CD, and yes, I paid a bundle for it. But you know what? It's the last of the DCC jazz titles I needed for my collection, and everybody knows that Steve Hoffman is the man when it comes to remastering. (I don't care for the way he and his "gorts" treated me when I was a member of long standing on his website, but that's irrelevant.) Trane is Trane and "Lush Life" was his most important title on Prestige, and money's for spending on the things that bring you happiness.
  14. Would you be willing to sacrifice a human life so that this album may live? That's love. Yes. Offhand, I would gladly behead all religious extremists, pedophiles, violent criminals, abusers of animals, wifebeaters....The list is virtually endless. All of them, gone -- just so that this album may "live."
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