Received and listened to the Foster and the Waldron/Peacock. Surprisingly, both have liner notes, artwork, etc. Shockingly, the sound quality on the Waldron is spectacular, sounds like low-generation master tapes to me. Waldron sounds great, and Peacock is spectacular. Given that the Strata-East reissues coming on Mack Avenue have been out on CD before, this Waldron set is my early favorite for jazz reissue of the year. If you like Mal or Peacock (IMO, this is his finest moment), you'll love this. Quite a wonderful surprise. The Foster sounds like a (clean) needle drop to me, and the music is hit or miss (soulful female vocals on the first cut, but the time they get to the last cut, Foster, Mabern & Co. are burning. 31 minute runtime).