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  1. I,like many.Are saddened by hearing the news about Bob Cranshaw recently.I so admired and respected his talents.Talked with him not long ago.About a project I'm currently doing of my late uncle Duke Pearson.And the time he spent playing with.him.And.the close.relationship they had.As as always,he was gracious and kind.He told me wonderful stories of himself,Bob Cranshaw and Mickey Roker.And there time together in New York as young men.Love him swinging on uncle Dukes How Insensitive album.My favourite from that session is Little Yellow Street Car.(Bunda Amarela) with all-star cast.Listen to B ok b Cranshaw,Duke Pearson,Bobby Hutcherson and Mickey Roker swing like crazy on this one.It never have gotten much airplay.But it's a great tune.R.I.P. Mr.Cranshaw.
  2. Been a while since ive been here.But to my knowledge.Ive never heard anything about this date and session.And never ever heard about uncle Duke producing this date at all.He and Elvin did fo a few things.But this does not ring a bell.I could be wrong though.Because he wore many hats.And was involved in many things.Some even i dont know about.Shoutout to you JSngry.
  3. Looking for albums mostly.Particularly ( How Insensitive ) thats in great or almost mint condition. How much for the CD's.What titles do you have.
  4. Anyone have any Duke Pearson albums for sell.If so contact me here.Or on the Duke Pearson Group tribute page on Facebook.Im the nephew of the late Duke Pearson.And trying to get my hand on a few of his albums.Hopefully that are in good condition.
  5. No it was not a joke then I 2011.And,its not a joke now in 2015 Chewy.So,come over and,join us on Facebook.At The Duke Pearson Group Tribute page.Wed love to have you.
  6. (Duke Pearson) Mentioned The Bob Cranshaw Interview. I so enjoyed this.Wonderful stories.I must say I ejoyed the story of Duke Pearson yhe most.Because he was my un.My mother's only brother.And I have spoken to Cranshaw often about uncle Duke being a ladies man.Uncle Duke used to say that he was in the,audience because he could hear the band better.And Cranshaw was right.Him not playing the piano made the band,stronger.But uncle Duke was always chasing number.And said that the ladies was always chasing him. Cranshaw have told me many likewise stories when he,Mickey Roker and uncle Duke were younger And some of the goodtimes they had.Most if them will remain private.But they were all great friends as well,as musical peers.Uncle Duke use to say,also.That Cranshaw was his right hand.And Roker was his left.That they,always seemed to know where he was going even before he played it.I have,a picture if uncle Duke,Cranshaw and Ella at,Club Jamaica.When she came to hear the band once as,Cranshaw stated.It's priceless to me.Great Great Interview.
  7. dd. Now that's kinda funny.Where else would Duke Pearson be,? Even though he played other instruments and wore many different hats.I cant see or want to see him anywhere but the piano.Churning out those slick and soft melodies of his.
  8. Could be.Just uncertain.Its been a labor of livi for me.To preserve the collection that I have.And to help keep his legacy alive.Would be magical,if there are some hidden gems on those reels.Can't wait to find out.Just wating for the right time.
  9. Ive seen this Duke Pearson c.d posted many places on the net.Guess I will have to order it myself.From reviews iverread,must be exciting.I have some reel to reels of Duke Pearson.That I have saved,preserved and cherished fortthe last 34 years.Only problem,is that,I don't know what's on them.Could be a whole session of him.Or other Blue Note artist during his tenure there.Whatever it is.I hope to complete the Duke Pearson Exhibit and share with the world what I have.We was to have a showing this month.But decided to reschedule at another time and date.If any of you would like to know more.Find us on Facebook.(The Duke Pearson Group) and become a memberGreatfully helping to keep his legacy alive.Gerald Ford/Nephew of the late Duke Pearson.
  10. I might be interested in Duke Pearson Introducing.He was mh uncle.And trying to find as many alums I can get my hands on.Contact me please.
  11. Digging Duke Pearson Mosaic Select.
  12. How true and well said.You are right on it stating Duke Pearson isnt listed on Lee Morgans Carisma.He was all over it and in the mix.Altough he never got the credit for it.I have read original liner notes Pearson had written just fot that date that was never listed.Pearson had wonderful words to say about Morgan.He admired Morgan for his talent as well as the way he could focus when he arrived in the studio.So many more stories about Duke Pearson and Morgan to tell.
  13. What are Down Beats soft covers going for on e-bay and elshwere thes days.I have a few I might let go !
  14. Hi Chuck.No Jeannine is not my sister.Shes my cousin,her mother was uncle Dukes sister who passed a few years ago.My mother is his sister too.There was only three siblings in there family.My mother is the only remaing family member from his immediate family.Just curious ! Where did you order Profile and Tender Feelins and Introducing !

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