Hi everybody !
I have been waiting for so long to present my blindfold test that I'm not ready when it is time !
Well, there will be two discs :
- 1st one : all my jazz : bop, jazz cool, free, etc
- 2nd : jazz guitarists...
On the 2 discs there will be french musicians or french recordings, but not only...
FIRST DISC : http://download.yousendit.com/BEE4D6FC499CEED8
2ND DISC : http://download.yousendit.com/0E3EF87725105513 (jazz guitarists)
Best wishes
Now added to the list :
- Bright Moments
- Van Basten II
- aparxa
- Berigan
- Bill Barton
- mikeweil
- The Magnificent Goldberg
- Thom Keith
- Big Al
- king ubu
- Royal Oak