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About birdanddizzy

  • Birthday 04/22/1986

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    Paris, France

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  1. Thank you, so much
  2. Thank you guys ! A real pleasure for me to be there... Check out my BFT ! Best Steven
  3. Here is the thread for the second CD. I hope you enjoyed it. Post your guesses here ! Thanks Steven
  4. Bonjour, Propositions-Comments appreciated ! Enjoy !
  5. Hi everybody ! I have been waiting for so long to present my blindfold test that I'm not ready when it is time ! Well, there will be two discs : - 1st one : all my jazz : bop, jazz cool, free, etc - 2nd : jazz guitarists... On the 2 discs there will be french musicians or french recordings, but not only... FIRST DISC : http://download.yousendit.com/BEE4D6FC499CEED8 2ND DISC : http://download.yousendit.com/0E3EF87725105513 (jazz guitarists) Best wishes Steven --- Now added to the list : - Bright Moments - Van Basten II - aparxa - Berigan - Bill Barton - mikeweil - The Magnificent Goldberg - Thom Keith - Big Al - king ubu - Royal Oak
  6. NOW I can say : "It is possible to swing with a harp !" I've found Christine Lutz in France who just recorded an album with his quartet Harpiswing : www.harpiswing.com UNBELIEVABLE !!! Listen to this extract : http://download.yousendit.com/BCEEDC22025CD5BCv The CD is not yet distributed (they need a distributor, so if you are interested... ;-)
  7. Thanks !!! And... oh... I just realized that I had the Solal-Zoller-Koller !
  8. Hello, I'm looking for albums of trios with sax, piano and guitar only. I know duos sax-guitar, piano-guitar and piano-sax, but nothing of trios saxophone, piano and guitar. Thanks for your help Steven
  9. birdanddizzy

    Léo Slab

    Hi, Here is a link for a nice short biography (in French) : www.djangostation.com/leoslab (There is a complete piece by Léo Slab on this page) Best Steven
  10. Joyeux anniversaire Martial ! I last saw him last month in Montmartre... It was stratospheric ! His music is 'free'...
  11. I'll be there during 2 weeks... The 25th anniversary so the program is fantastic : - AL DI MEOLA, JEAN-LUC PONTY & STANLEY CLARKE - CHICK COREA & GARY BURTON - WAYNE SHORTER QUARTET & IMANI WINDS - PAT METHENY & BRAD MEHLDAU - WYNTON MARSALIS - HANK JONES - AHMAD JAMAL - JOHN ZORN etc, etc, etc... http://www.jazzinmarciac.com/ete.html Would be glad to meet members of the forum ! Best Steven
  12. He was in Paris last november and played fantastically. His sound is maybe not as 'strong' as in the past but he is still a master... Here is a photo of the concert at the Unesco in Paris last november : Claus Reichstaller (tp), Maurice Brown (tp), Benny Golson (sax), Nathan David (sax) the sax player on the end is nathan "davis" Of course ! He is my friend ! (you can appreciate the proximity of the S and the D on the AZERTY keyboards...) Best Steven
  13. Hi Marcel, Thanks for the information ! "Al Anthon" is in fact my friend ALAIN ANTONIETTO. He still has the original tapes and recorded many jams with René Thomas... Only a few people know that this session have been recorded by Alain, the sound could have been better (and remastered) if Gambit had contacted Alain... Do you have an adress for Gambit Records ? Best Steven
  14. He was in Paris last november and played fantastically. His sound is maybe not as 'strong' as in the past but he is still a master... Here is a photo of the concert at the Unesco in Paris last november : Claus Reichstaller (tp), Maurice Brown (tp), Benny Golson (sax), Nathan David (sax)
  15. So, I'm not the only one...
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