I agree with JAW.
What Deep (whatever that means) said was despicable.
His Peruvian Marching Powder ( his terminology, not mine ) use obviously renders him senseless.
Aric Effron was "funnier" at the old BNBB.
Fake - like in charlatan??
Tell us more.
I'm no critic - but I've liked some of his octet & quartet recordings.
Has the wool been pulled over my eyes or in this case ears??
I'm getting the Weston.
I haven't seen that Jubilee trio set in a million years.
The other stuff is also long missing from my liquidated vinyl
Fortunately I have everything in the Green.
IMHO, they should just release That Certain Feeling as a Rare Groove.
I have all of the others in one form or another.
I won't buy the Select just to get that one.
I suppose I could sell the others I have in order to justify the purchase.
Also I believe Got A Good Thing Going On is coming out as a Rare Groove.
All in all a strange plan for Patton.
Just received today the Great Jazz Trio CD on Eighty Eights.
Hank, Elvin, Richard Davis - talk about a summit meeting!!
Recorded 2002.
Pricey, but masterful.