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Everything posted by jlhoots

  1. I'm watching it. Have been there since Season 1. Pretty intense. Is Logan the next to go down? I definitely won't miss the last 3 hours.
  2. This has "incited" me to get my Revenant set out & relisten carefully.
  3. More News For Lulu finally reissued. Got my copy from Squidco.
  4. You are correct, sir!
  5. Yes, I got my copy from Red Octopus. They were very helpful in getting me through their on-line ordering process. What a shame they've closed! IMO both volumes are excellent and deserve to be more widely available. I obtained mine from Dusty Groove. However, that's a long time ago.
  6. That record RULES. Yes - it does!! So do all of the Mike Reed led sessions.
  7. More News For Lulu - finally reissued Muntu - 3CD set + book
  8. New Keefe Jackson & Mahanthappa / Lehman CDs on Clean Feed Larry Young: Heaven On Earth
  9. Back in the day I received many hours of enjoyment from the Jazz Letter. R.I.P.
  10. Season finale next week. Lots to wrap up.
  11. I agree. Initial episode was great. The hand of George Pelecanos is apparent in the writing.
  12. Mine directly from CamJazz has been here for over a week. Of course, I paid more.
  13. Tim Armacost Quartet (Benny Barth, Kenny Davis, Billy Hart)
  14. Some of you have too much time on your hands.
  15. Kingsley Bray: Crazy Horse (A Lakota Life)
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