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About jlhoots

  • Birthday 03/29/1941

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    Santa Fe

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  1. 👍
  2. I always liked Ralph J. Gleason.
  3. You pay $50 / record?!?
  4. Sort of how Shogun worked as a series, but wouldn't have as a "stand alone".
  5. Have only watched the first episode. Would never have worked as a single movie. As a series has the potential to be excellent. Plan to continue forward with further episodes. IMHO you should give it a chance.
  6. If you paid with a credit card, you should dispute the charge & (maybe) get your money back.
  7. One Hundred Years Of Solitude - Netflix
  8. I'm finally beginning to give a s**t. Go Bucks!! 👍
  9. For me Saxophone Colossus was always the/a pinnacle.
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