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Everything posted by DukeCity

  1. I'm sure there are earlier examples, but a quick search found an example from this Jelly Roll Morton site. Click on the title of Bucktown Blues from 1924 and in the second section of the tune, at about 0:37, you'll hear that rhythm played in JRM's left hand. I hope others can find earlier examples!
  2. Good for you, Catesta! Good luck with the trainer meeting on Monday. It's been way too long since I darkened the doorway of the gym that I belong to. Now that the holiday (read: eating) season is in full swing, I need to get going.
  3. Clear blue skies. Gets cold over night (low 30s even upper 20s) and then warms up to high 50s in the afternoon. Warm enough to put the top down on the car for afternoon driving.
  4. "Mr Gould, 28, boss of Digi Security in Exeter, said he was "devastated" at the crash involving his "pride and joy". "It was disastrous," he said." It's always a shame when beloved cleaning products are destroyed... (sorry)
  5. Barry Harris Eddie Harris Gene Harris (my apologies for breaking rules earlier with the baseball park names)
  6. Tennessee Ernie Ford Minnesota Fats Dakota Fanning
  7. Comiskey Wrigley Camden
  8. How about Sting's first post-Police band with Branford Marsalis, Kenny Kirkland, Darrel Jones and Omar Hakim? Also, thinking of Brecker on Cameo "Word Up" reminded me: Late '80s my ex-wife had a Jane Fonda workout video and all of the music for was by Steps Ahead with Mike Manieri, Michael Brecker, Peter Erskine, etc. Which reminds me of this OT bit: At a clinic for some students, Michael Brecker was asked about being in the Saturday Night Live band (mid-'80s). He said that he's basically a very shy and reserved person, and that in his life there are two things that make him uncomfortable: dancing, and being in a bathing suit at the beach. His first week on SNL Eddie Murphy did the James Brown Hot Tub sketch, so Brecker had to dance in a bathing suit on national TV! Yikes!
  9. I've been checking out Pandora since yesterday, and it seems kinda cool, even though I haven't given it much guidance. Does anyone else get a lot of hiccups in the Pandora stream when doing other work on thier computer? It's a little annoying when I'm listening while doing other work at my desk, but if I just let it go, seems to be just fine.
  10. I've never tried any of the cheap ebay ink, but it looks quite tempting. My S.O. has a Brother all-in-one that goes through ink like crazy. The cartridges dry out even when she doesn't use the thing at all! The companies set such a low price on these machines, they must be making thier money on the ink. I finally gave up recently and got an inexpensive laser printer. It's just black white, but it's fast and will print thousands of pages on one toner cartridge. I'm sure you need color for some of your stuff. Not to hijack your thread, but does anyone have any experience with entry-level color laser printers? I think you can get into one for about $400, and if that toner lasts comparably to the black, it could be a good deal in the long haul...
  11. Dude, with the messed up clock on the board, like, your message TOTALLY came in at 4:20... Any chance you got some Doritos or somethin'?
  12. Dave Bowman Greg Waits Chris Seiter
  13. Lisa? Is that you?
  14. You mean I can't get a really cool iPod for free?!?!?
  15. Driving While Intoxicated. Different states use different labels.
  16. Leon Breeden Gene Hall 'Fesser Graham
  17. Jonas Grumby Thurston Howell III Ginger Grant
  18. This was certainly a gig where no tipping was expected. Usually, in my experience, when it's a jazz gig, we don't expect that. On gigs with a "bar band" i.e. playing more pop/ R&B stuff there is sometimes a tip jar for folks who are making requests, or for guys who are about to "get over" with thier girl 'cause we got 'em dancin' real close. I used to play 6 nites a week in a dark, cheesy, lounge-y club (in Dallas) and the leader was a guy who had done tons of solo cocktail piano stuff, so there was a big snifter on his keyboard that was the tip jar. At the end of the night he would split the tip money with the drummer and me. Usually a few bucks to get some gas for the car and a Taco Bueno burrito for me (and gas later ). Then one night a guy comes in with a girl and another couple. He comes up and puts a $50 in the jar for us to play "The Lady in Red" (I mentioned it was a cheesy gig, right?). During the next set he comes up with another $50 for us to play the same song again. My mind is reeling, thinking of how many burritos I can get on the way home. As we're packing up the leader announces to us that he's been "working" that guy for years, and so he's going to keep those tips for himself and split the other tips with us. Nice. Luckily I don't have to play "The Lady in Red" anymore, but when I accidentally hear it in some sort of Muzak setting, I still quietly rage inside. And I'm reminded of the joke whith the punchline "...What, and give up show business?"
  19. When that 9/11 concert was released recently, there was much made of the fact that the guy who recorded it (name escapes me) had recorded/collected tons of live Sonny, and that more material might be making its way to commercial release. Has anyone heard any plans for more stuff to be released?
  20. I'm saving it! You know...for my future, which at this point looks pretty damn good! And yes, Jim, I believe the guy did introduce hemself as "Tex".
  21. Fletcher Henderson Florence Henderson Eddie Henderson
  22. Tonite I had a nice little jazz gig at a local Italian restaurant and bar. Before the gig, while we were setting up, this guy is all in our faces telling us what a HUGE jazz fan he is and how he's really looking forward to hearing us. He stays for most of the first set, and on his way out he makes a big show of coming up to the bandstand to once again share with us how much he was digging the group. Then he tips the band... a dollar. Hands it to me with a straight face and a knowing nod, confident that he has just done his part to keep the live music scene flourishing in our community. I happened to have some change in my pocket, so at the break I gave the other three guys in the band each a quarter. Needless to say, we were all on cloud nine for the rest of the night, knowing that we had really connected with at least one devoted listenter.
  23. Sounds like it was a great concert. Wish I coulda been there. Aside from Sangrey's comments about the Dallas Jazz Community (and I have no doubt that he's correct), it would appear that the whole hurricane relief thing has fallen off the radar screens of most Americans. Not to mention the tsunami from weeks before! A few weeks ago we did a concert here in New Mexico with some of the better local musicians, including the great clarinet player Kenny Davern, and the turn out was abysmal. But, Greg and Jim, I hope you had some fun playing and I bet that the folks who had sense enough to take advantage of the opportunity to hear you guys were not disappointed.
  24. Martin Milner Martin Short Martin Mull
  25. My Pops was a big fan of the mince meat. Grandma used to make one every year for her boy... I had never had Sweet Potato Pie until several years ago. After reading about how much Trane loved 'em, I decided to give it a try. Pretty darn good! Next up... a little smack...
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