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Everything posted by DukeCity

  1. The Marquis de Sade Leopold von Sacher-Masoch Sigmund Freud
  2. Glad to know it wasn't just me. Now, if you had told me that Emeril used to be a woman...
  3. Clearly, I need to read more carefully. At first, I could have sworn that akanalog said: "i didn't know she was a man." That would have required a major paradigm shift for me!
  4. Andrew Hill deserves some consideration. Andrew Hill...isn't he that new kid they just signed last fall?
  5. I'm not just late to the party, I think they've already cleaned up and locked the doors... But bumped up because I finally got a chance to sit down and watch this thing. HUGE Fathead and Tina! Plus, it's interesting how much the sound of the band opens up when they're playing Moanin'. Maybe a different arranger, or maybe the band just dug playing the tune. Guys I have talked to who played on Ray's band always said that one of the best parts of the gig was getting to play the opening instrumentals.
  6. Christie Brinkley Cheryl Teigs Kathy Ireland
  7. I like the DG Blue Notes. Got the boxed set a few years ago. Also recently got a couple of the Black Lions, and have been enjoying those. Dex sounds like he is playing exactly what he wants to play, exactly when he wants to play it. So I guess if one is not digging it, it's because you don't like what Dexter likes, 'cause he's giving it to you just the way he wants it.
  8. Only one used copy shows up on Amazon.com...for $67.79!!! Yikes!!! Anyone have suggestions for other outlets?
  9. Nathan Detroit Whitney Houston Paris Hilton
  10. The Seven Dwarves The Dave Pell Octet Nine Inch Nails (I realize that's way more than three people)
  11. I find myself getting sucked into watching the curling, too. I can't help but imagine that it was invented by a few drunk guys, stuck at thier cabin somewhere near a frozen pond:
  12. Years ago, my girlfriend's Mark VI alto got ripped off. She bought another one from Ackerman, and after purchasing the horn, we were looking more closely and saw the name of a California Junior College lightly engraved (almost rubbed out) on the bell. Checked with the college confirmed that they had lost an alto. We called Ackerman and he seemed not to be worried that he had sold a stolen horn. (We thought it was bad karma to replace one stolen horn with another). After MUCH haggling, he agreed to give her a different alto, and implied that he would just finish rubbing the school engraving off the bell and sell it to someone else. He's a sweetie!
  13. Or how 'bout this: You trade me the Mark VI for my almost-working Realistic turntable, a solid state Panasonic receiver and a pair of Craig 6x9 speakers taken out of my '75 Nova? Can we met to effect the exchange in a parking lot somewhere in El Paso? Just name the place .. and could you throw in an extra cartridge for the turntable? Thanks, Garth. By "El Paso" I assume you really mean Juarez. No need for the extra cartridge; I've been using the same cartridge and stylus for ages, and just recently taped an extra dime on the tone arm so it won't skip on my warped records.
  14. Or how 'bout this: You trade me the Mark VI for my almost-working Realistic turntable, a solid state Panasonic receiver and a pair of Craig 6x9 speakers taken out of my '75 Nova?
  15. Even bigger and scarier with all the hair! Yikes!
  16. If you decide to put it online to sell, potential buyers will want to know the serial number (to verify age of the horn), and whether or not the horn has been re-lacquered. They will also want to see several photose with close-ups of any dings, dents or places that have been repaired (soldered). As far as getting a repad prior to the sale: Unless the pads are unplayable, it would probably be more cost effective to have a good repair person just adjust and oil it. Getting some of the clicking and clacking out of the action will do wonders for getting the horn to sell.
  17. In Houston you might try to contact Warren Sneed at HSPVA. He's a saxophonist, and if none of his students is looking, he could probably steer you in the right direction. In NYC recently, older MK VI's were going for $6-7K!!! Yours might not be that valuable, but don't give it away.
  18. My SO cooked another fabulous dinner, we exchanged a couple of gifts, and then I laid a ring on her and proposed marriage! She said "Yes", so the wedding plans have begun... (for sometime early next year)...
  19. I give to the recs. so far. I would add "Live at the Sands" w/ Sinatra, and the companion from that same gig "Before Frank" (the instrumentals the band would play at te beginning of the show). Live, loose, and totally swingin'.
  20. A few weeks ago I went to the Village Vanguard on a Monday night to hear the VJO. The place was packed and Stanley Crouch comes in in the middle of the first set. He stands in the back of the room for a couple of minutes, and then, in the middle of a tune, he walks around the side of the room, sidles up to and basically onto the bandstand (kind of between the bari sax and the bone section) and checks out the rest of the tune, distracting Gary Smulyan and the bone section more than a little. After the tune is over, John Mosca is talking to the crowd, introducing the soloists, etc. And then Mosca is compelled to introduce the visiting dignitary, SC. The crowd gives tepid applause for SC and he takes a bow. Eight bars into the next tune, now that SC has had his moment in the spotlight, he gets up and goes back to the dark corners of the room. Classy! After the set, one of the band members introduces a young tenor player to Stanley. Of course, SC takes this as his cue to impart some knowledge on the young'n: "Don't run all your chords; you'll sound better that way." Thanks for the tip.
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