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Everything posted by DukeCity

  1. Perhaps "Solo Fragment" = "Resolution"?
  2. I think I related this story once before, on another thread: I was at a Michael Brecker clinic in the mid-'80s. He had recently started his fairly brief tenure on the Saturday Night Live Band, and someone asked him how he liked that gig. He replied by telling us that, since he always felt self-conscious about being a tall, skinny, pale white guy, the two things that make him the most uncomfortable are dancing in public, and wearing a bathing suit in public. His first week on the show, Eddie Murphy did the "James Brown Hot-tub Party" bit, and there was Brecker having to dance in a bathing suit on national TV!
  3. I believe it's operated by Jamey's son, and includes CD sales and the DoubleTime record label.
  4. I have definitely purchased more music in the last year than I did before joining this forum. And, like FreeForAll, I really appreciate that I've been able to find less expensive outlets for the music, including several purchases from board members. I've also checked out some new (to me) music, thanks to recommendations and discussions on this board. And, in addition to all of the goofing around that happens here, when the serious discussions of music start, the insightful opinions that are eloquently shared by fellow members prove to be very thought provoking.
  5. DukeCity

    Jane Ira Bloom

    I was at a performance/lecture by Bloom years ago (at a conference of saxophone geeks) during the Art and Aviation thing. She was talking about how she was fascinated by the space program, and had been working with some folks from there, putting together "performance pieces". The "live electronics" (as opposed to playing with pre-sequenced stuff, or doing electronic manipulation in the studio, after the fact) included all kinds of effects. I remember that she had a microphone clipped onto her saxophone, some kind of do-hickey that responded to the physical movement of her saxophone. She would be playing, and would rapidly wave the bell of the sax around in big, fast, sweeping motions, and as she did so, the electronic effect would kick in and add layers of sound, and change the pitch. I also remember that she was indeed pretty serious the whole time. I couldn't quite put my finger on why the stuff didn't grab me, but the whole thing seemed a little dry. But, yes, she can really play. I need to check out some of those more recent sides.
  6. Well, since I was making my new First Post, it couldn't just be in the "What are you listening to right now" thread, or "Name Three People". So I thought I would just mark an occasion that comes along only once every few weeks: FreeForAll's Big Day!
  7. Would a Near Mint CD copy of "Kind of Blue" pique your interest...?
  8. Happy Birthday, Grif!!! Here's hoping for good things!!!
  9. Charles Comiskey William Shea William Wrigley, Jr.
  10. Yeah, yeah...Maria...McNeely...Kimbrough...Perry...whatever. Let's get to the point: which one of the school bands won, and how high did their trumpets play?
  11. Quoting Ben Ratliff: "His mission, finally, was entertainment." WTF? That's not to say that I am not entertained when I see/hear Liebman and his groups perform. But I never for a moment feel like that is his mission. I think the 'entertainment' is a happy by-product of his consistently passionate approach to creating great music with the other musicians on the bandstand. edit: to clarify that the quote is from Ratliff, not from 7/4.
  12. Big fan of the black and tan, or a Guinness and Harp, which some refer to as a "Half and Half". From the Guinness "Black and Tan FAQ": Yeah, it gets a little confusing. But they're all damn tasty!!!
  13. Sounds like you got some good stuff done. Let us know when any of it is available. Scott Robinson is quite the multi-instrumentalist. A title sealed when he had a Theramin credit on one of the Maria Schneider big band sides. I also really dug his baritone sax work on the Brookmeyer side where Robinson was the featured soloist on the "Celebration Suite", written for Mulligan.
  14. Big fan of the black and tan, or a Guinness and Harp, which some refer to as a "Half and Half". Of course, a straight Guiness is a beautiful thing, which is why wolff's avatar always makes my heart skip a beat.
  15. Well, even though it's not his birthday, since this is a thread celebrating FreeForAll: This would be a good time to mention that Paul was a guest out here in New Mexico about a week and a half ago. He gave insightful comments to WAY too many school jazz bands, and then proceeded to play his (shrinking) ass off with the university jazz band. We played three of Paul's great charts and got a dose of some serious trombone playing. Among all the great musicians and music lovers who hang out on this board, we're lucky to have Pauly, his musicianship, and his sense of humor. So, Happy Birthday!!!
  16. From the article in the first link: "According to DeAnna, it is speculated that Young was performing at the famous Village Vanguard in New York City. “At one point the emcee announces that the chile con carne is ready,” DeAnna said. A similar announcement was made at last year’s National Recording Registry news conference..." Ah, editing... I'm not sure, based on those few choruses of blues, that I would label that as sub-par Lester. Sounds like a guy, pretty, uh..."relaxed", hanging and playing a jam session. I'd like to hear more.
  17. Sy Oliver and Clark Terry. Separated at birth?
  18. DukeCity

    Chuck Mangione

    Combs doesn't display his jazz playing very often. When I was a grad student at DePaul in the early '90s, Larry shared a concert with Eddie Daniels, where they played some classical duets, and played on some jazz standards. Larry sounded fine, and it appeared they were both having a great time. I also remember Larry talking about doing a hitch with the Army band at West Point. They have a jazz band there, but I don't know if Larry was a part of that.
  19. DukeCity

    Chuck Mangione

    I think Vadala has a college teaching gig at U of Maryland-College Park. He is pretty busy doing clinics and guest spots with school groups. I admit that Chris Vadala's playing was an early influence. My older brother had some CM records, and the "Feels So Good" record came out when I was in junior high school. I thought it was pretty cool to hear and instrumental on AM radio, so I got the record. Even though the tunes were happy/poppy, when I listen back to those sides, Vadala was playing some nice lines.
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