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Everything posted by DukeCity

  1. Break even? In Jazz?!? Welcome to the board, Laurie!
  2. Happy New Year! I was planning on a quiet night at home with the future Mrs. DukeCity. But just today I got a call for a gig (the regular sax guy is stuck in Denver). So, a little bubbly with the little woman around 8, then I'll dig my car out of the snow and head downtown. Probably not too much party-ing, since I'll be my own designated driver.
  3. Found it. Ben Perowski Trio (BP on drums, Scott Colley on bass, Chris Speed on tenor) Ben Perowsky Trio OK, now I can sleep.
  4. Sangrey, you got big ears, my friend! It is indeed "Segment." Quick search of eMusic and iTunes didn't turn up the version from the film clip, though. Anyone...?
  5. I was a kid, mid-1970's, and my Pops subscribed me to the Time-Life "Giants of Jazz" series. I still have about a dozen of the boxes.
  6. Bob Ojeda Joe Newman Harry "Sweets" Edison
  7. Sounds familiar, but I couldn't place it (neither now, nor when I saw this in the theater). It also took me a while to figure out that Girard is being played by Sacha Baron Cohen (Ali G./Borat)! It's always good to have a little jazz on your juke box. You know, just for profiling purposes.
  8. ...or Karolina Strassmayer...
  9. Don't forget Katja Rieckerman.
  10. Yeah, I think an excellent way to increase the audience for early music is to make the intonation sound "weird."
  11. So they are bought the copyright of our memory. Watch out, someone will buy the recipe of the apple pie, or try to get a patent for sunday's bbq. One of these days we will have to pay royalties for everything. Oh porcy, there's no copyright of our memories! Those memories live in our hearts! They're in the wonder a child feels on Christmas morning. They're in the way everything feels so much more peaceful just after the winter's first snowfall. They're in... aww, fuck it! You're right, it's just The Man sticking it to us again.
  12. All of 'em? RIP JB! I was listening to a live JB CD a while back, and he was doing "Georgia". He finishes the first eight bars, and before starting the next phrase says, "I'd like to send this out to Cheryl and the staff at the Days Inn!"
  13. I think NBC (?) bought the broadcast rights to the movie in the US. A few years ago, it was on every channel, every day starting just after Thanksgiving; even that horrendous colorized version. I guess the thinking at NBC was to show it just once or twice during the season to make it a "special holiday event".
  14. Had a chance to listen to both of these just once so far, and I would echo jodigrind's comments. Nice arrangements, good swingin' playing from everybody!
  15. Just downloaded both of these from eMusic. Haven't had a chance to check 'em out yet...
  16. Over the years I've played some of their charts (faded copies after many generations at the Xerox machine) in some sax quartets, but I don't really know much about the group. Was Lennie Niehaus the writer?
  17. Sad news indeed! I've been away from the 'net for a few days, so just heard about this. There's a great site that features New Mexico jazz musicians, and there's an extensive interview with Kenny and some music samples here.
  18. Very sad. He was a fantastic actor. I'm laughing right now, thinking about him and Gene Wilder doing "Puttin' on the Ritz" in Young Frankenstein!
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