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Everything posted by DukeCity

  1. I like the ER6's a lot I used them with my iPod, running them through a HeadRoom headphone amp. Of course, I'm speaking in the past tense, because some low-life son of a bitch recently stole the whole rig, from a desk drawer in my office at work! Piece of shit! Thumbs up on the ER6's, though!
  2. Pennies in a stream Falling leaves, a sycamore Moonlight in Vermont
  3. A Haiku is 5/7/5, Porcy. Not 5/5/6 Writing one is hard Way too much counting for me I just can't do it!
  4. I thought that move was hilarious. I assumed that at least some people involved in the production were aware of what that bit of staging would look like. What I'm still wondering is whether all the tight-ass types at the network got it, or knew it was coming (so to speak).
  5. There was a brief discussion of this side back in December, when FreeForAll selected this as his AOTW. FFA's comments on the record are right on the money AFAIC. And FFA has the insider's view of things, since he played on the band and is recorded on the 50th Anniversary album and "Woody's Gold Star" that John Tapscott mentioned. Perhaps FFA will drop in and comment here?
  6. Indeed. The Vega/Bega thing is mostly just a Spanish phonetic/spelling/pronunciation technicality. I've been in NM for almost 12 years, and still haven't figured much of it out. But you're quite right; two very different cats (gatos).
  7. As you start lining up some gigs, don't overlook the possibility of doing some clinics at the local colleges. There's often at least enough bread to make it worth turning off ESPN and getting out of the hotel room. PM me if you'd like to know some schools/teachers to contact.
  8. Produced by Louie Vega. Is that the same Lou Vega that had the hit a few years ago with "Mambo #5"?
  9. This past fall, Bobby relocated back to Albuquerque, and we've played together a couple of times since. Of course, we're thrilled to have him around! Bobby and the rest of the guys sound great on this CD. It's not super gritty New Yorican stuff, but grooves like crazy.
  10. So, is this a broadcast radio station, or is it online only? Either way, it seems like it's just payola.
  11. 13/16 for me. After a while they all start to look a little suspect!
  12. Here is "Dick" Lester's directorial debut: "The Running, Jumping & Standing Still Film" Eleven-minute short of a series of slapstick bits, with Peter Sellars and Spike Milligan. Nominated for an Oscar® in '59 for Best Live Action Short. Some sites list the (uncredited) music as being done by Lester. It's a West Coast sounding quartet (don't tell Chewy!), so even if Lester put it together, does anyone recognize the players? (BTW: Part I is most of the film at 9:30. Part two has the last two bits, but the film has no end credits)
  13. Check out "West Coast Jazz" by Ted Gioia. Not perfect, but a pretty good read.
  14. I was introduced to this board by FreeForAll. He said there were some interesting folks who hang out here. FFA, always the master of understatement. Haven't seen much of FreeForAll here lately. Isn't another one of his birthday's coming up soon?
  15. That's priceless!!! Any time you got Snooky MF Young playing TMBG, you got something!
  16. Nice. A while back I picked up a documentary called "Scratch" that got into the history of turntabling, and there were some scenes of guys hanging out and "jamming" with each other. Quite an eye-opener to some of the possibilities...
  17. I caught a couple of tunes in performance at the IAJE conference last weekend, and yes, they were moving some air! In addition to that, I think the sound man had been mixing concerts all day (this was about 11:30pm) and had gradually gotten the levels louder and louder. So, even though the volume was at times physically painful, the band was playing that challenging music with great spirit, and a good time was being had by most (including me)!
  18. Capt. Wallace Burton Binghamton Lt. Commander Quinton McHale Joseph "Happy" Haines
  19. JSngry (and others) and Jim Alfredson are right, Selmer and Keilwerth are two of the most highly regarded saxophone names. I played both of those for many years, but last year I tried some Cannonball horns, really liked 'em, and that's what I've been playing since. They're good, solid horns that play great, and they're not as wildly over-priced as lots of other horns. However, before you rush out to buy a new horn, realize that you can probably hang for awhile just by making sure that your Jupiter is in good adjustment (lots of moving parts on a sax), making sure that your mouthpiece is straight (level table, even side-rails, good tip), and having good reeds that seal and respond the way you want. Cover all those variables, and you'll probably be way ahead (equipment wise) of most other players in your school band. Plus, you can take the money you would have spent on the new horn and buy a bunch of CDs and hook up with a good teacher in your area. Apparently you're in Arizona, so you might want to contact Tim McAllister. He's the (classical) saxophone teacher at U of AZ, and he is an incredible world-class player and teacher. He'll probably have some good suggestions for sax teachers (jazz or classical) in your area, and he would be a great resource for advice (besides all the friendly folks here).
  20. I went to Midwest a couple of times, several years ago when I was living in Chicago. They always have some great school bands, but the conference got so big, it was a little overwhelming sometimes. What tunes did your band play?
  21. Well put. I plan on trying to have enough "fun" that I won't notice the degrading parts too much.
  22. If a couple a nice kids like that can't make a go of it in this crazy world, what hope do the rest of us have?
  23. And Woody's Winners! Free For All had this as his Album of the Week recently, and I was frustrated reading the discussion, since I didn't have it. Looks like I'll be placing an order soon. Not sure if I'm ready to pony up for the Chu Berry.
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