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Everything posted by DukeCity

  1. I've been burned a Time or two by that convention when having to sight read blowing changes on a gig. Usually sorts itself out pretty quickly, but can initially be rather jarring.
  2. Maybe Evans picked up that system in his studies at Southeastern Louisiana University. I hear they got some fancy ideas in all them there music theory books and what-not.
  3. Is there a reason that some of the 7s in the chord symbols have slashes through them? I've heard of some notation system where slash/no-slash indicates Major 7th vs. Dominant 7th (can't remember which) but in the Evans example, they're on minor chords.
  4. Indeed, on both counts.
  5. Very saddened to hear this news today. I actually dig the self-consciously ole-timey rhythmic phrasing; particularly in his big band writing. Combining that phrasing with those mutating melodies and the more modern harmonic stuff supporting them, makes for happy listening! Rest well...
  6. Kidding. I should've included some kind of winky emoticon to indicate my sarcasm. I actually stole the "sorry I blew up" line from FreeForAll.
  7. Not at all! Woodyard uses it with authority and hard groove, right in the pocket. Durham (and most others) hit it too light and with the effect of stiffening up the time, not propelling it. Fine line, I know, and wholly subjective as to where "there" is, but hey... OK, then. Sorry I blew up...
  8. Haven't cracked open an "acoustic" (as opposed to electronic) phone book in years. I still keep a couple on the piano bench, hoping to attract the ghost of Erroll Garner.
  9. Jim, does your distaste for the 2&4 rim extend to something like Sam Woodyard playing behind Gonzalves on Ellington's band?
  10. Bruce was/is one of my main inspirations as a bari player (along with Pepper Adams, Nick Brignola and Ronnie Cuber). Love the Live At Jimmy's record with MF. "Stay Loose With Bruce" was my introduction to that tune. Then I saw that it got recorded as "Morgan's Organ" when Lanny played it. Then I saw that the original parts in MF's band books had the title "Geller's Cellar" for Herb Geller. MF told me that it was also called "Watch The Ford Go By" when Jimmy Ford played it, "Pete's Meat" when Pete King played it on the British version of MF's band, and for a very brief time it was a feature for a guy named Gary Cox...
  11. I've been a Brignola fan for a long time. In addition to the sides mentioned already, some of my favorites (and the first ones I got) are on the Beehive label. Baritone Madness with Pepper Adams, andBurn Brigade with Ronnie Cuber and Cecil Payne That's a whole lotta Bari playing, right there! Sadly, I don't think either of those titles was ever released on CD.
  12. No corn dogs tonite. Heading to the Monte Carlo Steakhouse!!! Woo-hoo!
  13. Thanks for that link. Cool to see digital mock-ups of the original back covers and notes! Edit to add: iTunes has "Gravy (AKA Walkin')" as a part of Stitt's Bits and a Fantasy release "The Gene Ammons Story: The 78 Era." They are both the same septet recording.
  14. I used to enjoy his commentary, but that was a looo-oong time ago (and even then he was a bit of a cranky old man chasing kids off his lawn). Probably should have hung it up 10, even 15, years ago. +1
  15. Dang it. Hot Ptah beat me to the punch. Carry on with his cover, but my response to A Lark's was:
  16. Mine arrived today! Already lost the booklet. Watching the DVD now. Interesting edits, like the end of Wayne's solo on the first version of Footprints gets cut into I Fall in Love... What's the story there? Are we seeing tapes that were already edited for TV?
  17. Dang! Joe beat me by one minute! So...
  18. Perhaps this should be a separate thread, but what about Rejected Titles of Albums Based on the Leader's Name? Pete's Fountain? Phil's Wood? Lester Likes 'Em Young? Everybody Likes Dick Hyman?
  19. Somewhere on this board there's a thread about musicians' pseudonyms. I guess we should add Gaines to that thread, what with him appearing on the Hawkins "Bean And The Boys" and being listed under the name "and others."
  20. Chuck, is PayPal an acceptable method of payment for these?
  21. Cool! Thanks for the heads-up!
  22. Ahhh...you're killin' me here! Got my shipping notice a couple of days ago, but the estimated delivery date is the 29th! I guess I'm not so good at that whole "delayed gratification" thing. (Insert "blah, blah, blah...first wife" joke here).
  23. If I don't look at the videos, TT sounds OK on these. But in both the studio footage and the TV date, she just looks so uncomfortable/out-of-place that it's more than a little distracting.
  24. Thanks. That's one I was considering. Jim A., if you or one of the mods would like to move this thread to the Classical Discussion section, that would be dandy!
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