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Everything posted by DukeCity

  1. I gave my wife some of these as a stocking stuffer. She loves to cook, and also loves the "As Seen On TV" aisle at Walgreen's. So far, it appears they actually work!
  2. Don't forget the great used car deals from Friendly Chevrolet! Edit: to add a shout out to "Tough" Tony Borne and "Dutch" Savage!
  3. RIP, Freddie. Thanks for the fantastic music!
  4. +1 for dealing with people "hearing" the pitch in different places. My first thought was Charlie Rouse. Almost always riding pretty high on the pitch, it wouldn't sound like Charlie Rouse otherwise! I don't know the Evans/Gilberto collaboration. It's going on my list...
  5. aka The Zapruder Sessions... Huh? MG Dark humor from a guy in Dallas. Abraham Zapruder is/was the guy who captured the John F. Kennedy assassination on film.
  6. He seems to be having a ton of fun! Thanks for that.
  7. We're having some friends over for a little holiday soiree, and the Missus is working her magic once again: Raspberry-Chipotle ham Some kinda baked cajun-y shrimp thing Red chile turkey chowder Green chile chicken enchiladas She's a goddess...
  8. Sweet! We need to somehow arrange a session with the two birthday boys: CT and Sangrey! A big happy birthday to CT!
  9. You can say that again, even though I've never met him face to face. And he's damn smart too, and with a big heart. The next senator from Illinois! I'll chip in on that. How much does it cost? Happy Birthday, Jim!
  10. For sure. And it's nothing new. Air-brushing was rampant for decades prior to the Photoshop era. I've always wondered about this one. Not the Nancy Wilson part, but when did Cannonball ever look that slender?
  11. Yowza! Those photos of Jennifer with the necktie just gave me a full Windsor....
  12. I was at an Obama rally last summer, and part of his stump speech addressed supporting arts education (including music) in our schools. I then heard it come up in some of his televised interviews and sound bites. Not necessarily holding my breath for a radical influx of $$ for the arts in schools, but I at least get the impression that Obama understands that the arts are an important part of the human experience. We'll see...
  13. Thanks for that! It's a truly authentic depiction of a jazz club: as soon as OP starts his bass solo, you can hear the crowd talking!
  14. Not too many traditional favorites from my childhood, except for when grandma would make fruitcake. She didn't make it a rum cake, but she would soak it in bourbon (dad always had a jug of Jim Beam in the house). The cake would be on the kitchen counter under a towel, and once or twice a day for a few days grandma would lift up the towel and splash liberal amounts of the booze on it. Sadly, I had not developed a taste for the brown liquors at that point, so it wasn't very appealing to me. I'm sure it was quite tasty... In recent years, my own traditions include a very simple 5-minute fudge recipe (sometimes with walnuts or pecans), and chocolate covered peanut butter balls. Both are always a big hit!
  15. Good call! Not an album cover, but a whole stack of great haircuts:
  16. Mine is a 20" and I love it. Not that size matters....or so I keep telling myself...
  17. Last weekend I was talking with saxophonist Dave Pietro. He's primarily an alto player, but has recorded recently on C melody. He told me that he got an F alto and has been playing with that a little.
  18. Indeed. Maynard used to joke about being called a "screech" player, with all of the negative connotations it comes with. A similar term that many trumpet guys embrace is "scream trumpet". Why screaming is better than screeching I'm not sure. One very fine high note trumpet player (that FreeForAll used to work a lot with) devised his own self-depricating term, "Blasting Lug Head".
  19. That looks like a nice boxed-set. Sounds like a rotary valve trumpet. Lots of orchestral players (especially in Europe) use those, and in recent years I've seen Claudio Roditi using one.
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