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Everything posted by DukeCity

  1. Nah, as the kids say, that's emo. Yeah, but I've found pretty much all of Emo's work pretty painful! Welcome back, FFA!
  2. I think you may have misunderstood Chuck. He didn't say to ditch the Alpert and F&T, he said to sell the crap!
  3. I've visited the Steve Hoffman forums a couple of times, and I think they have an explicit rule against "double blind" testing. I don't get it.
  4. http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php...st&p=604864 Yay! Thanks, rock! I've cut and pasted it into a Word document to save for posterity. Looking at it again, the lack of capitalization and punctuation makes it seem very e.e. cummings-esque!
  5. Yeah, but what about Tom Watson?!?!?! He's killin' it! During the post-game, the talking heads were mentioning several times in the past when a recent champion missed the cut (Nicklaus won in '66, missed the cut in '67). They were pretty uniform in their assessment that the Watson story is a bigger deal. He's just a few weeks shy of 60 years old!!!
  6. If clem took all of his posts with him, does that mean that we no longer have access to his poetic, bile laden rant against Clark Terry? (Edit: to add/clarify that I thought it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen on this board!)
  7. Kate Jackson Farrah Fawcett Pimp Jackson (This is FUN!!!)
  8. He's been a fixture on the local news sports reports (as you would imagine). Although I haven't really been following his story much, he seems like a pretty humble, bright kid.
  9. http://jazzdisco.org/ Don't know if it actually has the info you asked for today, but there's a TON of stuff there.
  10. Is this site becoming like jazzdisco.org?
  11. Yeah, I get that. Still, I think it might have signified something a little more significant if he had actually played some shit on the geetar (clearly, he wasn't "feeling" the guitar player's set-up), or if he had actually done some sangin', or even done some actual dancing (other than the JB mic stand schtick). Seems like he was just signifying the "idea" of his Prince-osity, rather than demonstrating the actuality of his talents (which I think are considerable). I still call "bullshit". YMMV :bwallace2: I never thought about this before: "Prince" vs. "King of Pop". Which title/name was given first?
  12. DAMN! Same thing only different, longer, & weirder: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CoxNzOOoQU...feature=related JB, MJ, & JB undercuts Michael w/that tempo change, & then Prince goes mental and fucks everybody up by actin' a signifyin' fool! Yeah, nice move, getting James MF Brown to hold your jacket while you do...wait, what did he do? Oh, that's right...not much of anything!
  13. I've been meaning to ask you: Could you supply me with an AEC box on 8-track?
  14. Done! Thanks for keeping this place up and running!
  15. Wow. Johnny gets a LOT of sound out of that flugelhorn!
  16. Cool. Oddly enough, when I did the same thing a while back with Ayler's Spiritual Unity, it came out sounding exactly like "Boplicity" from Birth of the Cool!
  17. Yeah, the "Blues In Hoss Flat" bit is the best one. But I've also always loved Not only does Jerry do a nice bit, but we get to hear Marshall MF Royal just HAMMERING that sax soli!
  18. Apparently he's had a flair for the...uh...conceptual stuff
  19. SPOILER WARNING - I LOVED the way the film included lots and lots of references to the show. The Red Shirt dying, "Dammit man, I'm a doctor not a physicist!", "I'm givin' 'er all I got!", "Fascinating!", Kirk making out with a green chick, Pine's little Shatner impression on the word "Bones" at the end of the film... It was a Trekker's dream come true! And speaking of daughters... My nine year old recognized Karl Urban, the actor who played McCoy, from his role as Eomer in the Lord of the Rings films! I didn't even recognize him! I enjoyed those TV references, too. Saw the movie yesterday afternoon, and liked it a lot!
  20. +1 Bassist David Parlato should also be more widely available on record. I had the pleasure of playing and recording with him over several years here in NM. He recently retired from playing (he's taken up painting as his creative outlet) but is still doing some teaching. Great idea for a set, legal wrangling aside!
  21. Zappa expressed thoughts similar to yours on "Make a Jazz Noise Here", although his were more succinct. David appears to be disgruntled. Why is it we use the word "disgruntled" but we never hear about anybody being "gruntled"?
  22. I love those drum fills that Mel Lewis used to do; sounded like he was just dumping out his stick bag all over the drumset!
  23. Mexican Coke is AWESOME!!! They have it at some Mexican restaurants here in NM, and they sell it by the case at Costco.
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