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Everything posted by DukeCity

  1. Woo-hoo! Happy Birthday, Jim!!!
  2. Enjoy your visit, Michael. Lots of beautiful scenery in these parts!
  3. No doubt, it's the safe thing to do. Sadly, it likely will correlate with musicians' pay on jazz gigs in clubs going down from $80 to $50. When customers limit themselves to splitting one drink between two people, the bar receipts don't justify spending much on entertainment. Cheers (but not too much)!
  4. ¡Feliz Cumpleaños, Pablo!
  5. Hope your birthday is SWINGIN', Jim!
  6. Since the mid-90s RM has been a member of the band on Jay Leno's show, although I heard that there have recently been changes in the band.
  7. I've always enjoyed that record. RM plays such clear, melodic bop lines. Thanks for posting, Scooby.
  8. When Branford mentioned French last night, I was unaware of who French was. Glad to learn a bit about him; sad to be learning about him after he's already gone.
  9. Pancho spent several years teaching at a college in Oklahoma, and maybe 10 years ago moved to Las Cruces to teach trumpet and jazz at NMSU. AJO is still going. I've been playing in the band since I moved here, and have been leading it for the last couple of years. Bill Wood told me about the Vipers. He retired from UNM a few years ago, and doesn't play much that I know of, but I see him occasionally, and he's still doing some composing.
  10. Garduño's is still here, although the Garduño family had financial problems a few years ago and are no longer the owners. Cooperage is still here. When I moved here in '95 it was pretty much exclusively Salsa bands 2-3 nights a week. Some other styles now, and a fair amount of Salsa DJ stuff. Bob Farley Music closed in '91, and he passed in '04. I still hear folks mention it. Sounds like it was a good shop. Plenty of folks here still living in the last century...
  11. Thanks, everyone! I don't post much here, but I check in almost every day to see the shenanigans. Never a dull moment! Cheers!
  12. Played a benefit concert at a church tonight and performed "Equinox" and "Autumn Serenade" ( from the album with Johnny Hartman). AND at intermission, among the potluck of sweets there was sweet potato pie (Trane's favorite).
  13. The local rehearsal band I play in did a swing dance gig a few weeks ago, playing lots of Fletcher Henderson/Goodman charts, Lunceford, Basie, etc. It was great having a bunch of dancers (in addition to lots of folks sitting and listening), and I think the band grooved a LOT harder than usual, knowing that we were playing for dancers rather than getting all in our own heads "thinking about how to swing."
  14. Mark, at the 3:00 mark we're seeing Sonny unpacking his horn and there's a mirror behind him. That's the "reversed" image. When Sonny stands up, the camera man keeps shooting into the mirror.
  15. The first step is admitting you have a problem. Alc. Anon.
  16. DukeCity

    ICP Box set

    That was my first thought when I saw "ICP" (Insane Clown Posse). Shows how not hip I am, I guess...
  17. It is a different performance. Check it out when you have YouTube access. Yeah, LTD plays lots a quotes, but this one is really good. What sets it a apart, to my ears, is the fact that it (sort of) works over a few bars, as the chords of the blues change. But it's a pop tune that is nowhere near a blues. Really imaginative musical hearing on Dexter's part, even if it was premeditated. I remember reading an interview with Sonny Rollins (also a frequent quoter) about quoting. Sonny said that he typically does not consciously start a quote. Rather, he is just improvising a line, and a few notes into the phrase he realizes, "Hey, that sounds like the first few notes of..." and he feels that if his musical ear has led him there, he might as well finish the idea. Do you remember on which tune/performance he used it?
  18. Good one! He must've been checking out this RRK performance. Or he was inspired by the hipness of his own vest. Or he was inspired by the hipness of Thad's dashiki. Or he was inspired by the uber-hipness of having an invisible big band backing him up. So much goodness in that clip. Is there more? What's the deal?
  19. Carol Kaye on electric bass? In addition to Walter Booker? Separate sessions? What's the deal there?
  20. Sending you a PM for the Seven Steps box...
  21. BTW: Looks like the library at UNT in Denton has 4 copies of the Private Party album. Don't know what the situation is regarding listening opportunities . Kenton Private Party Edit: to add that my mom and dad had one of their first dates at the November '51 Innovations concert in Seattle. They were both college students and my dad (a musician who played sax and piano) was a big Kenon fan. Mom was not "experienced" and apparently had a difficult time with some of the charts.
  22. I met Joel a couple of times when he was teaching at Northern AZ Univ. Sweet cat, and he had some great Buddy Rich stories! Including a framed scrap of crumpled paper, in Buddy's handwriting: " June 17, 1977 (or whatever the date was) the Buddy Rich Band is disbanded." Apparently Buddy was so pissed at the band after the gig, he went back to the hotel, wrote out 15 identical slips of paper and distributed them to the guys the next morning as they got on the bus. They rode a few hours, got to the next job, played the job, and no be mentioned the firing again. RIP, Joel. Thanks for the music and the stories!
  23. Rock is the new Jazz, at popmatters.com Kinda funny, kinda sad. But he makes a point...
  24. I think it probably is a Buddhist thing, and you'll never understand it if you keep trying to understand it.
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