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Everything posted by Use3D

  1. god don't get me started on Green Shit. They're about as punk as I am black. Sellout wankers.
  2. They suck anyway. How cool can a band be when your groupies are 9 years old?
  3. Kids dont have anything to do these days but suck and fuck, here they are surrounded by it in the media and in school and people are surprised kids are screwing each other. Purge with fire I say.
  4. This thread seems to have run its course and is now something entirely different. Perhaps it should sleep now.
  5. Monging up the thread right in front of me is annoying, so I deleted that shit. Anything else? Because this is the first thread that has been 'monged' up. NO kidding, and I owe you an apology anyway. Despite my efforts Che wrecked the thread more than mere smilies.
  6. God that drove me nuts.
  7. Banned members can't delete their posts.
  8. I just hope any cool people that left because of one rotten apple come back.
  9. Short for mongoloid. Part of Speech: noun Definition: a mongrel dog; by extension, an idiot It's also a derogatory term for a retarded person. Hehe not nice really, but then few things are.
  10. rofl, now that Che's gone we don't need the ignore button? Works for me.
  11. deleting posts might mess up the database, so we don't do that. Che was being a mong and now he's banned. The world is happy once again. And don't be cross with us if this thread goes to the land of wind and ghosts.
  12. Thanks for turning this thread into a big pile of stupid che. Here I asked you to consider the edit button, and instead you post another identical quote, much like a spoild 5 year old who has been corrected but has to get the last word. Now you piss and moan because I jacked your posts. Aw life sucks, you of all people should know that... EDIT: whoa, b3-er just did what I wanted to do but figured I overstepped if I did....
  13. Bait me, that's a great idea.
  14. Again the edit button goes unused. Such a tragedy. See how it can turn two or three chain posts into ONE, amazing post.
  15. I think so too, but I decided to post the obit outside of politics for maximum exposure. Well don't be sad if it gets moved.
  17. Monging up the thread right in front of me is annoying, so I deleted that shit. Anything else?
  18. Well that's up to you guys. I think it's lame we even need the function. And for future reference, I will close stupid threads like that.
  19. One more and the threads closed.
  20. Why didnt you ask me jerkstore.
  21. Whoever you ignore is completely within your account and no one knows, unless you tell anyone that person is ignored.
  22. Just asked for them to be banned. A banning cost only 1000 posts.
  23. The secret forum is only used to talk smack about Jeff B.
  24. Eating is so overrated.
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