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Everything posted by Use3D

  1. No that doesn't work. Have a cd writer? WinXP can write discs from within the operating system if you have a writable drive. That's the easiest way.
  2. I'm starting to amass animation on DVD, but it ain't shit you want the kids seeing, ho-ho Yeah, my obscure comic collection ain't bad either...
  3. Maybe no sql dropouts for a change. yay
  4. Well..hrm, yeah It's growing on me, there are some good songs, but most of it I feel are radio friendly anthems that are an embarrassment to most NIN fans (perfect drug anyone? BARF) I sure miss the fully electronic sound of PHM though...
  5. I haven't heard anything from them that's remotely interesting.
  6. Who pays for a movie and walks out after 30 minutes? That's kinda weak.
  7. Give it a rest already
  8. Natural selection at work.
  9. Heh, come to think of it I don't think I was allowed to go to the theater until I was around 13 anyway...I saw Jurassic Park then. :rsly:
  10. Yeah, but that still doesn't make it any less violent for a 9 year old to see....and clearly the marketing is to little kids as well. ← My bad, marketing to kids obligates parents to take their kids to see it.
  11. The movie does have a rating you know.
  12. hasnt happened in a while, hopefully they're aware of how much bandwidth this bitch uses...
  13. I think I read somewhere that Tarantino directed the section w/Benicio del Toro. ← You're right, and that scene wasn't one of my favorites. And compared to the crap that's been on screen lately, Sin City is art. -_-
  14. Most I talked to about this film either love it or hate it. I think it's a work of art.
  15. Bah, this server times out alot on me, for several minutes at once.
  16. My group icon thingy is broked. I'd fix it but meh
  17. Saw it, it was awesome. Easily the best of the new series. Lucas had said most of his background story he made before NEW HOPE was contained in this episode, which is why the first two flicks might seems a little slow paced..for some.
  18. It's also spyware yay!
  19. I like star wars and I have tickets for opening night.
  20. lets make a whole forum about it!@!@!@!@!@!@!@ -_-
  21. Listen to Green Day before Dookie, before anyone gave two shits about them. Their music had substance. Now it's nothing but MTV fodder.
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