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Everything posted by Use3D

  1. http://www.cccp-project.net/ Everything you need, codecs and Media Player Classic, best I've used.
  2. Sometimes Lurkers are the most wise.
  3. Power strips (like most anything) have a wattage rating, just make sure you're not exceeding the listed rating and you should be fine.
  4. What? A RIP thread? You mean a new forum where we only talk about dead people? Eh I don't think so.
  5. Yeah, poke around ebay or contact the distributor. Please don't ask for copies of the material.
  6. Are you kidding? It was terrible. Total snoozefest. So many cool things they could have done...instead, lets waste time. I'm glad he didn't win. I figured he would, since people have no taste and his douchebag meter was off the charts. Everything he sang sounded exactly the same, all theatrics and drama. I wanted to kick him in the face.
  7. Fascinating.
  8. AKA the Olivia show. I wonder when they're going to realize that there are other characters that also have lives.
  9. I just bought 3 DS games. I have a lot now. The DSi has more ram, and they removed the GBA slot. Hopefully the games stay compatible. I'm sure the extra ram is for image data.
  10. Always wanted to, I will someday. Not afraid of getting in a wreck at all.
  11. Yes, makes my job easier. Turns out this was part of the software. :blush2: It should be working, try it again.
  12. I would consider backing up your important files, that 'File System Unstable' error you got a few days ago isn't related to the browser but could be an indication that your harddrive is not healthy, which would cause numerous software anomalies.
  13. Heh do I know how to call it or what? Jim wants to always give the benefit of the doubt with people, and he's mostly right to do so, but I've been on my share of forums, most have zero tolerance for the 'I'M LEAVING' thing, because this happens all too often. People get mad, and their first reaction is to take all that they've contributed from the board, despite the giant mess it causes. And to try and blame us for removing his posts? Most people know by now that if you so much as sneeze on these kinds of forums the software logs it. Pegging us for some Nazi moderation is really low. That's a personal attack if ever I've seen one.
  14. Ah keying cars, that brings back memories.
  15. Jim and I are working on it. We've just not crossed paths in a few days.
  16. The edit feature expires after a certain time limit. I'll see if this can be changed in particular forums, like Offering/Looking For.
  17. I know, they want to serve in military, vote, but you still can't hit 'em, oh and they also want you to open doors and pull out their chairs? Either be treated as equals or don't! Talk about having your cake and eating too... then having the guy do the dishes! :rsmile:
  18. Sure, in a perfect world, but get a few measly tabs running and watch that bad boy climb the ladder. Chrome, despite it's claims of being even more efficient, is just as bad. Something I hope they've on worked since the version I was playing with.
  19. lol Netscape. No, no problems with Firefox here. Use it exclusively. Perhaps empty your java cache and temp files, and possibly a defragment. Firefox is a memory hog, make sure another program isn't causing a memory leak.
  20. I dunno, I think it got changed in a thread merge. I stuck remasters in there. Hope that helps.
  21. I suppose someone could simply email Phil and ask him... hehe... :rsly:
  22. I'm normally not a fan of that vocal style myself, but I'm giving Opeth a free pass 'cause I know Åkerfeldt's got the chops. Besides most of the music is so multifaceted and interesting I can hear past the growls. Also feel like I should mention Mastadon's newest album, Crack the Skye, which is another break from their usual loud, aggressive vocal style to something a little more accessible. I've only listened to it once, it's very dense, and sounds like a huge continuous song from beginning to end. I'll have to give it a few more tires before making a real opinion. Just getting into them.
  23. Alright. So how about that Chuck Nessa, hes a cool guy.
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