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Everything posted by Use3D

  1. Good album!
  2. It's a little iffy. I've found for some reason it works great but other times it can be unpredictable. I know for a fact it will return an error if there are no new posts. We'll look into it. Thanks for mentioning things, still got a few bugs to iron out!
  3. Check out My Controls menu at the top of the screen (forum title bar). There you can pick an avatar from the list or enter the url of a hosted avatar. Please keep custom avatars 100x100 pixels max and in .gif .jpeg .jpg .swf or .png format.
  4. True that, I only know the codes that are specific to my department, which is pretty good.
  5. They have no excuse at that point. Being exposed to the most horrendous retail system of ALL time, I know the ins and outs of retail software and they're all the same. If the UPC is corrupt or smeared the laser can't pick it up. So how do average cashiers (who don't give two hoots about their job) do? Scan it, again and again and again. FOOL! Type the numbers by hand or feel my wrath.
  6. Know how you feel. The CD is great, it's really cool to see a piece of work like that finally come into fruition. I wasn't too excited when Jim told me his CD was ready until I saw it (I didn't know he had a record label and professionally produced CDs!). It's top notch! Speaking of waiting by the mailbox, my new Acumen CD should be here Monday!!
  7. You know the conversation is picking up in an email when someone uses LOL as if it was everyday language. 'So the other day I'm driving in my truck and lol, I see some deer in front of me get whacked...' Yeah lately the spammers in my inbox seem to know more about my penis than I do.
  8. Welcome aboard!
  9. Did you get the bluish ones or the stark white looking ones? Some of those lights are really bright. hmmm, I need to get one of those little halogen desk lamps, it's too dark over here.
  10. Speaking of reissues I just found out a good album of mine Transmissions From Eville originally released in '95 was reissued in 98 under another label and has two extra tracks, remixes I guess... Hey it's not Soulville but I thought I'd share. PS- hey jim, teh forums ro><0R lolz
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