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Everything posted by Use3D

  1. No way, this thread ain't goin anywhere! It's been a while since we had a good 'ol fashioned ball-buster on these forums. Let the BN biatches see it in full force, our 'newbie' board is kickin ass!!
  2. Use3D


    Yeah this is nice, I for one encourage guests to browse the board, and if they like what they see join and make some contributions! What do you have to look foward to on the Organissimo Forums? Well, we've got great members, a nice admin who happens to be a musician himself, and the hottest Political Forum in the internet jazz community!! So climb aboard, the water is cool and the party is just getting started!
  3. this happens once in a while, thechain has been good to us though so we forgive them :rsmile:
  4. I bet I can copy it.
  5. this coulda been in the rooster avatar thread already in progress. ps - I like the yellow one.
  6. where the heck is this thread goin?
  7. Thanks! I've been heavily engrossed in Hitman II for the past month. Tough as hell but so far I've managed to get to the Basement Killing level, where you have to waste the computer hacker. Have you been doing 'Silent Assassin' on each level? that's the best rank you can get, where no one sees you and you don't kill anyone except the target(s). Very hard, but very rewarding!
  8. Nice avatar TempleJazz, that game rocks.
  9. It's just that some of us who check the board in public (like my job) or at school would be in deep shit if some busy body walked by and saw a huge..er, THAT on screen. EDit: and stonehenge is not a vulva or whatever the fuck that is, it's a damn alien spaceport, everyone knows that!! :rsly:
  10. Sorry couw, but..whatever the hell that was had to go. Some of us don't enjoy puking on our keyboards.
  11. The user had registered 4 names actually, BLP1577, Chicken Shack, Tom New York and Tom New_York.
  12. Right, my method is just a faster way to the same Services contol panel.
  13. You can disable the messenger service in winxp or win 2000 by opening a RUN box from start menu and run a program called services.msc Scroll down the list of services until you see 'Messenger' and disable it. Goodbye popups.
  14. Use3D

    Larry Young Mosaic

    Yes the time is f00ked at the moment. Repairs are being.., er made.
  15. I wanna flush Nemo.
  16. Use3D

    June Christy

    goooooo~gle it, friend!
  17. *sigh* There is already a thread open to discuss this matter. B3-er and I are waiting until we hear from this guy. If he doesn't respond then I'll tell you who he is and just ban him for being dumb. Don't flip out if this thread is Doomed very soon. You can take comments here: http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php...t=ST&f=7&t=2177
  18. Use3D

    Larry Young Mosaic

    It's not Aric. He is registered with an IP address which resolves to a domain on the west coast. The offender is registered with an IP that resolves to the east coast. And their respective IPs are completely different.
  19. Got a problem with your kid? Teens out of control? The behavioral experts in Jamaica can cure what ails them. Last Resort
  20. And we wonder why some countries hate Americans, maybe because some blow 80 grand on something as stupid as this. What a complete waste.
  21. Welcome aboard
  22. I think it's an optical illusion. The circles are consentric but they appear to produce a square shape. Maybe. It's a guess. Edit: Upon resizing the picture the square shape vanishes. It's a result of the compression. Boo me.
  23. Can you post any pictures of your personal collection?
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