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Everything posted by Use3D

  1. Lately? Jason Novak.
  2. That's odd, this Garrison character has only made 5 posts on the board but signed them as 'Gary'. You sure you're not the same person? Why would someone do that? It's creepy. Also, the username 'Lukrion' is not registered here. You can have it if you like.
  3. Hehe, found my childhood obscure movie, but I'm too embarrassed to say anything about it! =x.x=
  4. Yes. Right again.
  5. Use3D

    Susan Weinert Band

    That was really great. Go spam on AAJ or something.
  6. Ask and ye shall receive.
  7. Jacman, you are disturbed.
  8. Use3D

    Sacha Distel

    uh, heh.
  9. I might see it. I'm a big fan of the games (the first two, NO OTHER Tomb Radier games exist in my opinion), but I can't stand to look at Jolie's face for more than 30 minutes without running. For maximum Tomb Raiding I reccommend Sega Saturn. Wheeeeee!
  10. No flames please!! Wait here's a good one: IF YOU DONT BELIEVE IN GOD YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!!
  11. b3-er and I thought you might be in the hospital. I'm relieved to hear that you're doing well.
  12. You bumped a 2 month old thread to say that?
  13. Thanks for bringing this up, I haven't seen him in a while either. You know I worry when you don't call! :rsmile:
  14. Gah stop quoting images! I'm scrolling down the page and have to deal with quad-tits over here!!
  15. Well that's the end of me.
  16. That is a Goliath Birdeater, they get big, even bigger than that one. They are not the same. They are both arachnids, and so are scorpions, which are clearly nothing like spiders or tarantulas.
  17. Hm lets see: the Friendlies Texan Brown Rose Hair Curly Hair Pink Toe (one of the only species that can live together) Stripe Knee Zebra Knee (sometimes, very fast) Goliath Bird Eater (you heard me, seen it with my own eyes) the Don't Mess with mes Cobalt Blue (beautiful but very angry) Skeleton Knee Usumbura Indian Ornamental (some call this one a spider, not sure myself) Red Rump those are the few I can think of off the top of my head. I'll be back in the store Thursday and I can see if anymore cool species have come in! O.O a couple more note about handling, NEVER drop your tarantula! Heights are deadly and will kill her, if you handle her at all, do so over a bed or over her cage. Your bedding should be at least 2 inches deep if not a little more. A 5 1/2 gallon aqarium or a 10 gallon would be the perfect size.
  18. Well a few important notes: Feeding You're right, they have a very slow metabolism, so feeding twice a week should be enough, 3-4 crickets. NEVER overfeed, if crickets are hanging around for a few days be sure to remove them. If the crickets get hungry they are going to attack the tarantula and can injure her, she will NOT defend herself from then if she's not immediately hungry. Handling Always let the tarantual come into your hand on her own accord, never pick her up from above, that's what predators do! Be calm, and avoid fast/sudden movements. When a tarantula is poised to bite, they will rear up on their back legs and display the fangs. that is a serious stance that means 'Back OFF!'. Yes the bite will hurt like a motherfuck, and they are technicly venomous, they inject venom through a small pore in the fangs. Fortunately, there is NO species of tarantula in the world that is fatal to humans. Spiders on the other hand can be deadly. If you have a allergic reaction to any form of insect bite, DO NOT handle the tarantula, she could be potentially dangerous. Overall, all the Rose Hairs i've raised/sold have been very gentle and they like people. Housing Rose Hairs like a temperate climate, about 78-83 degrees air temp, and a mild humidity factor. they also like to burrow, so keep your substrate deep and she'll make a kickass nest. Tarantulas only use their web for housing or for mating, they don't catch stuff in it. Only spiders do that. Put a few visual barriers in the cage, like logs or caves and she'll be more comfortable coming out and seeing you. Be sure to use red/violet bulbs for heating, these give off an invisible spectrum and you can observe her evening habits without obtrusive white lights blaring on her all the time. Moulting Sometimes a slight bald spot will be present on the abdomen of the tarantula. Normally this is light colored, and when it begins to darken, she may be reading herself for a moult. Humidity is VERY important during this process, so be sure the substrate in the cage isn't too dry. DO NOT feed her during the moult process, she is defenseless. Avoid handling too, this is very important. A tarantula will never die on its back, so if she is flipped over she is moulting. Remove any crickets wandering aournd and leave her be. After the moult her new skeleton is very soft and prone to damage. Avoid handling/feeding for at least two days. the old skeleton is very soft at first, so remove it from the cage and pose it somewhere! it will harden and retain that pose!! Great for giving people heart attacks!! Hope this helps! they are such kickass pets, I'm gonna get a Red Rump for my new place here in a few months! they're kinda fiesty! Just ask if you need anything else. *pardon any typographical errors, it's late and my board is cursed.
  19. Awesome choice connoisseur, I work with tarantulas, and take care of many, many of them, all different species. If you need any advice or have and questions ask away.
  20. Welcome back...to the Stage of History!!
  21. OO, which roboticon does Greg think is the best?? :rsmile:
  22. I enjoyed this movie, even the scenes in Zion. It showed that the people of Zion still retain much of their humanity, despite the machines that are trying to kill them nonstop, that they can take a break from constant duty and try to enjoy themselves. They have kinda crummy taste in music though, that techno-house crap is poo-poo. ;P I liked the Merovingian alot too, he's hilarious. Also the Twins were badass, they will be back in the third film. All and all the last 40 minutes of the film were the best.
  23. And I suppose some humans have documented this fact, but rather it's probably just another shot in the dark by the ever-so-bold scientific community, who just love to pull nonsense out of their asses. How perfectly ignorant. Ever stop to think that this creature is extinct for a ligitimate reason? What kind of havoc is it going to wreak in modern-day ecosystem? Might as well bring back its predators too, after all there has to be a balance right? Stupid stupid stupid.
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