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Everything posted by Use3D

  1. Nah, too general.
  2. Stupid. One of those new buzzwords for idiots who need to be labeled and catagorized because their lives are so absolutely meaningless.
  3. Yeah we're here, and Masterhit is PISSED. He does the H4><0r1|\|6 around here.
  4. hey, watch the personal attacks on teh skunks there Randy! Yeah come on down, we've got the shampoo you need. And keep it away from me, my odor is a badge of honor. :rsmile:
  5. Bah, they're just pissed because most music these days is shit and they know it. They also know people are mostly too smart to pay for that canned rat puke called music nowdays. So they start spouting off how filesharing is destoying the business. A theory I think is bullocks. Thanks to file sharing I have experienced music I'd never have the chance to hear or try out, and as a result have purchased more CDs then I even thought I would. Most people on the 'net I know (and I know alot of them) sample a few choice tracks of bands they might want to know more about, and then buy the disc if it strikes them. Otherwise no further files are downloaded and they go about their merry way. Really it's no different from having a 24 hour radio station where you get to pick the music you want to hear. I can record music off public radio can't I? And distribute the tapes to my friends? Is that worth a lawsuit or two? Fuck no. The RIAA is a bunch of goddamned morons who can't stop this runaway train, so they're trying to scare more people.
  6. might as well postcount++
  7. maybe I just don't want these 'new' forums to distract attention from another forum which could easily be suitable for such topics.
  8. If you have a hardware/NAT firewall the software firewall is useless. Software firewalls are based on the opertaing system which they were designed for, thus if the operating system is vulnerable (Win2000/WinXP) then a software firewall will do nothing to protect you. Be sure your OS is completely up to date, for windows users you can goto micro$ofts website and get updates. Of course if you use Linux you will never have to worry about worms or 90% of the viruses out there...or massive security vulnerabilities hardcoded into the operating system.
  9. I got the whole thing off the internet months ago, hahah suckers.
  10. Welcome Miles251
  11. Looks like you might have to learn some Korn or Limp Bizkit songs Soul Stream, just remember to abolish any kind of musical talent you have and you'll be getting gigs with the kids left and right.
  12. And why not? The copy protection doesn't work at all. I was able to rip a controlled cd in mere minutes. Most of the time they simply spoof the TOC data which is the oldest trick in the book. Any modern CD ROM drive with half-decent software can bypass the bogus TOC and extract the data.
  13. You don't get a box to enter text after hitting the reply button? What happens exactly after you click the button, does a blank screen appear? Or some other error? I need more information.
  14. ~NOTE TO USERS~ If when POSTING a new topic or using the PM SYSTEM, and you get the problems with the mail or another mail related failure, please do not repost/resend, most of the time the original post/PM went through the first time without a confirmation screen. B3-er and I know about this and will have it repaired in no time.
  15. Everything is fine now, pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. Hey Rooster you've almost got 2000 posts, you know what that means...
  17. Im pretty amazed too, considering the movie SUCKED and was HORRIBLY written. Not like the previous incarnations of these worn out monsters was anthing great but this was a new low. The days of decent horror movies are over. Resident Evil sucked too.
  18. I can't seem to sleep to music, I can however sleep to snoring. Does having white noise on count as music?
  19. This has been confirmed and will be looked into. I just tried the PM system and it was f00k3d.
  20. Hey guys I'm experimenting with the board a little so don't flip out if anything changes for a sec. There's talk at my work about setting one of these up for customers and I'm just playing with some features :rsmile:
  21. just wait until the band gets famous. I'll have to pick up some new moderators~!
  22. What this simple minded organism fails to understand is that using the img tag the URL is translated into what you would see if you clicked on it. It's basicly clicking for you. All the information, including the picture, remains on their site. NOTHING IS REPRODUCED, YOU DUMBASS. This is a good example of just how stupid some people are. HMM, HOW COULD THIS BE. MAYBE BECAUSE THE PICTURE IS STILL HOSTED ON YOUR USELESS GOLF WEBSITE. IMAGINE THAT. Okay, and how does this have anything to do with the matter at hand? Do you charge a fee for you site? No? As pointed out above the picture is question is COMING DIRECTLY FROM YOUR WEBSITE. If you.. say had remoted linked tracks of b3-ers music, why our site would still benefit from the hits and his band would get more exposure...And what's this talk of bootlegging? Are we stockpiling your sexy golf images and distributing them into the greedy hands of the denziens of cyberspace? No? THEN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Thanks for playing retard, now get off my internet before I blow your house up.
  23. Heh, just don't link to pictures on insane golf websites run by people who know nothing of the internet.
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