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Everything posted by Use3D

  1. Hiding your head in the sand isn't going to work on me. You can ignore me all you want, we'll put it on your tombstone. IGNORED USE, IT WAS FUTILE BUT HILARIOUS.
  2. haha i should hang out here more often
  3. UseMSK3 (12:39:13 AM): he's just mad cause we're smoking his board
  4. you say all that like I should give a crap and a half. Bad for business? What business? The one where we offer a free service to an old ungrateful bastard like yourself?
  5. I'm just waiting to shoot this bird down...
  6. Use3D

    Ken Nordine

    Yeah Ken Nordine's alright in my book, haha.
  7. I want the politics forum.
  8. Well don't let it go to your head, because it doesn't mean squat.
  9. Don't you have some threads to delete or something?
  10. These kinds of lists are nothing but flamebait. No one ever agrees and it's entirely opinionated. The whole thing is worthless, and I only had to read 4 'artists' names on there to know that. Edit: Oh yeah, You asked for it so nyah nyah!
  11. Had I been around it would've been closed instantly for excessive stupidity. Sure the thread had a few views but it was still a flame. That doesn't help you.
  12. I think it's time to put her down son, just put her down.
  13. YAY my own dumb thread
  14. For information about Greg just use the search function on the board! Have a good night. Z?
  15. Wrap it up guys. Edit: And for the record, underground has every right to be angry, this should NOT have been posted public over such a simple question like "Why are you bidding?" Abusive? Please. This thread will be bye bye very shortly.
  16. Red Bull tastes like crap.
  17. I don't think the PM mail system is ever going to work. Not unless we move anyway.
  18. Thanks for the update Dan, very cool of you. I knew the band be great down there, this could be the big one! :rsmile:
  19. Whoever has the avatar remote linked to a secure webserver please change it, or I'll have to change it for you, and you won't like it. Edit: Okay I fixed it. Just be careful who you remote link, we all remember that crazy golf website from the Babe thread.
  20. Funny, all I see is a broken placeholder.
  21. well it's been a good month of music for teh Fist A Perfect Circle - The Thirteenth Step The whole band got changed around but the result is just fine by me. I really like the first 4 tracks, then things slow down, but pick up again at the end. Sure the sound is very different from the frist album but I think that makes it more interesting. And I want to have Maynard's baby. Acumen Nation - Lord of the Cynics Jason Novak and the gang are just as awesome as ever on this CD. I love it because although the band has stayed the same they've still managed to release an amazing album that sounds nothing like 5th Column, which came out in 2002. What also is great is just a year between the two records, whereas before the albums were at least 3 years apart, and always had a change in band members. well I could go on forever on this cd/band so I'll shut up and move on. One word; AMAZING KMFDM - WWIII So Tim Skold is now playing with Marilyn Manson and crew, but surprisingly that didn't stop Sascha K. from KICKING ASS and releasing this great album. I was hoping for something big after Attak, which I liked but it took a while to grow on me. I've listened to this cd four times or so, and like it more and more. the beginning tracks totally stomp and set the pace for the rest of the disc, which follows through and delivers catchy industrial tracks and killer lyrics. Wumpscut - Bunker Gate 7 Revisiting an old favorite of mine, this cd sould be the soundtrack of the world..that is if the world were to suddenly be plunged into post-apocalyptic darkness and you had to fight with every breath just to survive. Ah what a good feeling. Rudy is a master of his craft, it shows on this record the most, which flows with blood from beginning to end. Type O Negative - Life is Killing Me It just wouldn't be Fall without the boys from Brooklyn. I had hoped to the elders gods of goth music that Type O hadn't broken up, rumors were spreading, but sure enough this cd came out a few months ago and it has to be their best yet. Pete's voice is perfect, and the music is perfect, feels alot like Bloody Kisses and October Rust combined, but with better writing. Overall I could listen to this disc over and over and not get sick of it. Black is back baby! That's all for the month of spookiness, I'll go back to my Dungeon of Doom until next time...
  22. Jones wouldn't stand a chance in From Dusk 'till Dawn. the Cheech zombie would whup her.
  23. I heard a little of it, and I agree with b3-er. In my opinion it doesn't beat out Mercury Falling, which is just really good.
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