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Everything posted by Use3D

  1. I don't think I've watched any in the past two weeks.
  2. rofl i kinda like it. thanks for the avatar heads up claude.
  3. wow thats..hideous.
  4. Whew, good luck with that. I'm sure you'll do fine.
  5. b3-er did it not me (wacky colors.)
  6. omg run for the hills!
  7. And whatever station Nightrider and Airwolf were on.
  8. Funny you should mention that, as today on PBS I saw a show about man's encroachment on natural habitats causing many problems with animals, like this one fella had his whole property flooded by beavers. They don't have anywehre else to go!
  9. Make sure to back the bastard up.
  10. Hopefully the brutality of the internet and media ruins her crappy 'career' and we never have to see her again.
  11. Nice work! :rsmile:
  12. Windows ME, Mistake Edition.
  13. Yeah I've heard good things about this show. Now that the DVD is out quality rips will be appearing on the internet, hoho. :rsly:
  14. Don't forget Metallica.
  15. I dont want to find out.
  16. ActiveX strikes again I see. Again, disable ActiveX and java for general browsing. Or use Firefox.
  17. Seesh, go outside.
  18. I have this bootleg Kraftwerk DVD that I haven't gotten around to watching.
  19. Spyware from the internet runs on ActiveX controls. If people would simply disable ActiveX for general internet browsing and untrusted sites spyware would be history.
  20. Mr. Bungle - My Ass is on Fire Impotence Boomerang I'll stab you Clumps of hair In the sink Who's hiding Things from me? You knew all along, goddammit But you wouldn't tell me Well, look at you now It's not funny, my ass is on fire Paraplegic, inhuman liar Carve a smile On your face Everything's great Suffocate It's beyond my control...I'm coming! Boo Redundant... Boring
  21. Haha, banged up? Okay, I need to get into tech support. I always wanted to make shit up. And Rooster, if you want to see active connections in windoze goto the command prompt and type netstat /n make sure no keyloggers or spybots are trying to open ports or listen to internet traffic. Write those ips down from netstat (or clipboard them) and then check them out at www.dnsstuff.com and make sure they're legit.
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