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Everything posted by Use3D

  1. When I was seventeen, I drank some very good beer, I drank some very good beer I purchased with a fake id My name was Brian Mcgee, I stayed up listening to Queen, when I was seventeen....
  2. Google makes games like this pretty pointless.
  3. well if it was up to me we'd have no smilies, personally I hate them. The roboticons are good though.
  4. we have plenty of smilies.
  5. Weird
  6. Be sure to have activeX controls on and flash installed! Zoomquilt
  7. Pics?
  8. That's too bad. If anyone has major issues with anything around here I would like them to speak up. I don't want to alienate anyone, but I'm relieved to know there are worse moderators than me on the jazz-forum circuit, heh. :rsly:
  9. omg triple post
  10. Naw, you get a secret option for reaching 10,000 posts. Jsngry might not have noticed it yet... I think I just did. You wins! :rsmile: Edit: I sent you a PM about it a while ago but your inbox was full, hehe
  11. Hey, spamming for postcounts will have a nasty result!
  12. Naw, you get a secret option for reaching 10,000 posts. Jsngry might not have noticed it yet...
  13. Use3D

    iPod v. Nomad

    The ipod only supports mp3s and wavs. Not good enough.
  14. Use3D

    iPod v. Nomad

    File type support!
  15. Use3D

    iPod v. Nomad

    The iRiver is the one to get...
  16. You know the punishment for spamming is post count subtraction... Edit: Not that anyone here is notorious for spam, but though I'd derail this topic for no reason.
  17. Eh truth hurts.
  18. when you get your i-pod it will come with software that will help you out. Also on i-pods homepage is the music store where you can buy all the music you want...
  19. Nemo was crappy, it wasn't even funny. Ellen Degenerate also makes me vomit. Incredibles however, was very funny and one of the better Pixar flicks. Toy Story 2 was the last one I remotely liked.
  20. In Hell it's Christmas all the time.
  21. Little late for that pal.
  22. Use3D


  23. Use3D


    I guess i should turn off html in signatures huh
  24. Use3D


    uh whoa
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