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  1. Yes I have noticed this unusual seller before. Although some of his stuff is good, I find it hard to believe he can get such unbelievable early high bids on almost every item he sells. He is almost certainly bidding on his own auctions in the hope of getting a gullible bidder when he re-lists the same item (probably under a different user ID). Also, check out how he makes all auctions anonymous and how he has hardly any recent feedback despite the large number of recent "sales" (haha). B.
  2. Any ideas guys? I'm trying to decide whether it's worth the extra $100 for this version over the US version. Thanks, Brett.
  3. Hi all, Just wondering if this is a newly remastered version or just an identical reissue of the older 20-bit Japanese box set: http://www.hmv.co.jp/product/detail/1253718 http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?...81945&BAB=E Is this set significantly better than the USA issue? Thanks, Brett.
  4. Do they ship overseas?
  5. Got it today. It is indeed the big US box, awesome! I got my Monk box today. It is sealed, but on the back it has a photocopied tracklisting with a handwritten product CD, rather than the properly printed sheet on other sets. Did anyone else get this, or did you get the proper sheet on the back of the box? Oh & by the way, the cardboard packaging box arrived half-open, and one set missing! They are gracefully re-sending the missing set. Thanks, Brett.
  6. Hi all, thanks for your replies. I like the idea of box sets simply because it is simpler than having to find all of the individual releases. I also would like to check that there are no box-only bonus tracks unavailable on the individual albums? Thanks, Brett.
  7. No-one? I have read that it is 20-bit remastered, which brings it up to at least 1995 technology. I understand the original US box set came out around 1985.
  8. So is this worth the extra $$ or should I look at the local US one instead? http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...g=UTF8&v=glance
  9. A very "dedicated" customer :-)
  10. Careful if you are intending on bidding on any items listed by seller emailusforgreatdeals. The buyer Jojojazz1014 is shill bidding on most jazz auctions, and the auctions are being relisted when Jojojazz1014 wins. Buyer beware - in fact don't bid at all - this seller is hoping to influence the Mosaic market by making up some ridiculous end prices. B.
  11. Yes but no-one's bought it! People can set a BIN price at whatever the feel like, it does not mean a thing!
  12. Thanks Claude. I think even this Warners issue is now out of print, as most retailers don't have it listed. It's a shame both Mosaic and Warners make it so hard to find information about their OOP releases. Regards, Brett.
  13. OK I've received additional information on the set at Amazon: It is in a 12 X 12 black box. However, there is not a numbered sticker on the set. Here is some of the promotional text produced by Warner when this was released: "Reprise Records celebrates the 100th anniversary of the birth of one of the giants of music, Duke Ellington, with an extraordinary, comprehensive, limited-edition five-CD boxed set of his studio work on the label during the early '60s. Ranging from Afro-Latin to pop, symphonic to swing, The Reprise Studio Recordings features stunning solos, orchestral brilliance, imaginative arrangements by Ellington and Billy Strayhorn, and superb stereo sound. The Reprise Studio Recordings was created in partnership with Mosaic, the most respected jazz reissue label in the world." Does this help anyone identify whether it is in fact the Mosaic set? They claim it is "limited," but don't give the number of pieced produced on the outside of the box - where are the Mosaic numbers listed? Thanks, Brett.
  14. Sorry to labour this point, but was there in fact a "Warner Bros"-packaged non-limited reissue of this title in 2003? If so, is the Amazon.com listing likely to be this version? Here are a few things that make me think it might still be the Mosaic version: - The release date - The catalog number - The photo - The reviews, dating back to 2000 I am only interested in getting the Mosaic version - should I take a chance with Amazon or should I look elsewhere (& if so, where)? Thank you, Brett.
  15. So is this the Mosaic version or is it a "reissue" done by Warner Bros? I have been unable to work out if Warner did a non-limited version after the Mosaic sold out.
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